Gale’s Award-Winning In Context Suite

当前的,权威的,媒体丰富的信息 - 您会在大风的在线资源家族中找到它,该家族以用户友好,移动响应的设计满足了当今学生的需求。金宝搏彩票引人注目的,引人入胜的局部数据库将受信任的内容与课程对齐的材料无缝整合,这些材料涵盖关键主题领域。用户可以轻松地访问G套件进行教育和Microsoft Office 365工具…阅读更多


| By Beth Manar | Though the US Civil War officially ended with the surrender of Confederate general Robert E. Lee in 1865, the rift that began when eleven slave-holding Southern states seceded from 1860 to 1861 had repercussions that are still felt more than 150 years later. It is estimated that more than 620,000 …阅读更多

飓风Harvey Additions to Science In Context


Gale’s Digital Platforms Puts Vetted Resources Right at the User’s Fingertips

Current, authoritative, media-rich information—you’ll find it in Gale’s In Context family of online resources, which meets the needs of today’s learners with a user-friendly, mobile-responsive design. Eye-catching, engaging topical databases seamlessly integrate trusted content with curriculum-aligned materials that span core subjects. Users can easily access G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools to …阅读更多


| By Debra Kirby |


我已经knew that Central Park was designed by landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed Detroit’s Belle Isle Park—where I spent many childhood weekends, picnicking with my family and wading through the mucky sand of the beaches of the Detroit River. But there was so much more to discover, so I jumped intoU.S. History In Context并学会:


Headlines In Context:将水门丑闻与俄罗斯的选举干预调查进行比较

| By Debra Kirby |

Keeping up with current events can be a full-time job—never mind understanding the history behind what’s in the headlines. Take the ongoing coverage of the investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections for example. This story seems to change daily—sometimes hourly. Even if you’re checking in multiple times per day and managing to keep up with the basics, references to historical events and underlying facts relayed by experts and political pundits can leave you wanting to learn more.

例如,在讨论特朗普总统最近解雇联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)时,许多评论员提到了尼克松对水门特殊检察官阿奇博尔德·考克斯(Archibald Cox)的解雇的相似之处。这是有效的参考吗?

为了获得更好地了解这些和其他参考背后的背景细节,请开始研究U.S. History In Context,您将在其中深入覆盖以下主题:

阅读更多Headlines In Context:将水门丑闻与俄罗斯的选举干预调查进行比较

Vimy Ridge的战斗百年纪念

| By Traci Cothran |

Throughout 2017, Canada is commemorating the 100Thanniversary of the WWI Battle atVimy Ridge(法国)。这是加拿大历史上的一场开创性事件 - 与德国军队进行了激烈的战斗,导致了严重的伤亡,包括损失3598名加拿大士兵和约20,000名德国人,受伤了数万。毫无疑问,对德国人的这一胜利并不是一项战场壮举。由于加拿大人在法国人多次失败(巨大的生命丧失)并为盟军胜利的道路上铺平了道路,因此该活动帮助统一了加拿大,并巩固了其在国际社会中的独立性。计划在整个加拿大以及法国举行188金宝搏北京赛车纪念活动。

阅读更多Vimy Ridge的战斗百年纪念


| By Jennifer Mezick, Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarian Pellissippi State Community College |

At佩里西皮州立社区学院(PSCC),我们的用户可以通过金宝搏彩票Tennessee Electronic Library(TEL). Through our TEL setup we are able to track only statistics for PSCC users. From our statistics, we know that Gale resources are heavily used by PSCC patrons and there are a few reasons behind this success:

In Class Instruction
我们的学生主要使用上课时显示给他们的资源。PSCC图书馆员在去年秋季学期为137个课程提供了研究指导。PSCC图书馆员和教学教师发现,接受课堂研究教学的学生在研究任务上取得了更高的成绩。我们向学生提供的教训之一是在搜索期刊文章之前找到背景信息的重要性。Opposing Viewpoints In Context是我们用于展示背景研究的首选数据库。一切 ”In Context” databases contain Topic Pages for select topics, which provide histories and explain the different viewpoints of those topics or issues.

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Faculty Outreach
因为不是所有的教员可以找到我n a 5 to 16 week semester to have us in their classes, educating our faculty about our resources is the next best way to reach our students. Our faculty learn about Gale databases at our New Faculty Academy, where we introduce library resources, and at Faculty In-Service, where we demonstrate new databases or changes and new features to current databases. Librarians at PSCC are faculty and serve as subject liaisons. With this designation comes the responsibility to serve on campus academic committees and attend academic department meetings (and sometimes share after-work beers). Relationships with faculty are formed through these committees. I find that these relationships make faculty more comfortable talking with librarians about research assignments and available resources, which provides us the opportunity to recommend the most appropriate resources for their upcoming assignments (or their own research).


The Greatest Resistance Stories

| By Debra Kirby |

In honor of Holocaust Month, which is observed in the United States in April, I’m sharing a few of my current reads and older favorites related to World War II resistance groups and individuals. With a background like mine—a lifelong interest in World War II history, French and Polish grandparents, and a tendency toward activism—stories about WWII resistance in Europe have long attracted my interest. Below are a few of my current and longtime favorites, as well as recommendations on which Gale databases you can visit to learn more about WWII resistance.


抵抗,1940年:法国地下著作的选集translated and annotated by Charles B. Potter (2016). This fascinating first person accounting of four French Resistance fighters, including national heroes Jean Moulin and Germaine Tillion, would make an excellent primary source student resource.

The Zoo Keeper’s Wife黛安·阿克曼(Diane Ackerman,2007年)记载了波兰公民安东尼娜和扬·扎宾斯基的经历,以及他们在华沙动物园基础上庇护犹太人的经历。一部基于这本书的电影和由杰西卡·查斯顿(Jessica Chastain)主演的电影于3月初在华沙首映。

阅读更多The Greatest Resistance Stories


| By Debra Kirby |

虽然我的一位班级是大学的历史专业,但是科学史的一对一教程。在一次会议上,我的病人教授能够解释爱因斯坦的特殊相对论理论,以便我真正能够理解它 - 为一个明亮的闪亮时刻。我几乎可以感觉到我的大脑工作!它过去挺美!很遗憾地说,尽管后来参加了“诗人的物理学”课并经历了英雄崇拜阶段,我再也无法以相同的方式重新夺回那一刻或借。我什至把他的海报挂在我的卧室里。因为我的历史重点是第二次世界大战,所以我发现爱因斯坦的传记特别令人着迷,因为他的大部分时间都与那场战争交织在一起并影响了他。为了纪念爱因斯坦今天3月14日的生日,我最近访问了盖尔金宝搏彩票上下文中的科学与伟大的物理学家重新认识自己。这只是我发现的一些有趣的事实:
