Canada oh Canada – Neighbor to the North, East, South (depending)

加拿大一直是美国的新闻比平常多最近,与贾斯汀·特鲁多在二月初参观,施工提出恢复上的梯形管道,并有消息称,居住在美国的一些移民现在逃往加拿大。在美国的许多地方,加拿大可能不...Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in February 2017

下列的游戏最近添加,可以设在使用基本或高级搜索形式的产品。标题可以通过浏览出版物在两个星期内被发现。有关完整覆盖信息,请参见产品称号列表。金宝搏彩票学术OneFile进展统计气候,气象和海洋学(哥白尼有限公司)同行评议ASTRA程序(哥白尼...Read more

More Enhancements to Gale eBooks on GVRL

上个月,在GVRL大风电金宝搏彩票子书进行了不少改进。从视觉和辅助功能增强,为主页自定义选项(阅读完整的博客),我们的目标是不断更新根据用户的需求的平台。下面有三个,其他增强功能用户可以期望在产品发现:自定义集合中进行搜索。此前用户...Read more

金宝搏彩票学术OneFileExpands Browse-By-Discipline Feature

释放二月中旬,大风很高兴地宣布,中浏览,通过自律金宝搏彩票功能的金宝搏彩票学术OneFile会自动更新到包括在研究的三个关键领域覆盖面 -Biology,Chemistry环境科学. The expanded offering of curated content will provide users with greater access to full-text-scholarly journal content that supports the concepts and topics discussed within the STM disciplines.


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每个GVRL客户有手选标题的独特电子书集合,我们认识到收集对准图书馆的目标和计划的重要性。这就是为什么,我们添加了大风电子书上GVRL的管理员用户定制选项。金宝搏彩票这是什么意思?这意味着您的收藏将由上级的支持...Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in November 2016

下列的游戏最近添加,可以设在使用基本或高级搜索形式的产品。标题可以通过浏览出版物在两个星期内被发现。有关完整覆盖信息,请参见产品称号列表。金宝搏彩票学术OneFileActa Linguistica Hungarica (Akademiai Kiado) Peer-reviewed Dynamic Systems and Applications (Dynamic Publishers, …Read more

Product Update: Exciting Video Additions and Increased Text Size to Kids InfoBits!

Recently, Gale partnered with Visual Learning Systems, an educational science publisher whose mission is to provide high quality, visual-based content that instructs, challenges, and inspires young learners. Nearly 600 high-quality educational videos on concepts essential to STEM learning have been added to Kids InfoBits. These recently added and powerful teaching tools are approximately 1-3 minutes …Read more


Chicago-Style Citation Tool Now Available!

金宝搏彩票大风是高兴地宣布,芝加哥式引用现在在大风产品面世!新的引文格式附着在Chicago Manual of Style, 16thedition. The option is displayed when a user clicks on Citation Tools, and Chicago-style citations can easily be grouped and downloaded to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Chicago appears in all products that contain the Citation Tools feature, with the exception ofEarly Arabic Printed Books; it will be added to this product by the end of the year.

Read more令人兴奋的引文增强现在可在大风产品金宝搏彩票

Exciting Changes Coming to Gale Literature Resources

12月20日,阿蒂米斯文学根源,讲一下作者在线,文学批评在网上,和文学传记完整的在线词典的用户将自动更新到新的移动响应体验。这些辅助功能,易用性和功能丰富的更新提供更好的用户体验,以及进行交叉搜索所有大风的文献数据库的能力...金宝搏彩票Read more