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我的名字叫伯大尼Dotson,我在这里烈风是一个市场开发经理 - 而且,在今天,在十九世纪基本事实的特邀嘉宾博客。金宝搏彩票我的背景是在英语和西班牙语文学,我喜欢所有的东西的维多利亚。

I have recently discovered the joys of audiobooks on my commute—with the complication that the four miles I drive to work lends itself to only a few pages at a time. For the last few weeks, then, I have been enjoying (I can’t say吞噬以这种速度),西蒙·温彻斯特地图改变世界:威廉·史密斯和现代地质学的诞生大约井,关于现代地质学的诞生。

I am, by education, more literary- than history-focused, with no science background to speak of, but I find the sociological, religious, and economic consequences of one man’s work onrocks-并在化石所有的东西,引人入胜。在18世纪后期和19世纪初,提高思想和地球的调查,以及如何开发投入标准的宗教思想提出了质疑,也许这个世界wasn’t10月23日创建的,4004 BC上午9点为原本以为(诚实) - 和也提供了更好的和更有效的方式通过跟踪地球层和他们所包含的定位煤炭和铁矿。正是这种工作,以及,达尔文建立在(以及许多其他人的工作)在发展他的自然选择和进化的理论。


“广告和通知。”诺福克群岛记载:或,诺维奇公报[诺维奇,英格兰] 1806年10月11日:1+。19世纪英国报纸。网页。2014年9月24日。
“Advertisement and Notices.” Norfolk Chronicle: or, the Norwich Gazette [Norwich, England] 11 Oct. 1806: 1+. 19th Century British Newspapers. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.
19th世纪英国报纸发现这个第一熔核很早(1806)史密斯先生自己在诺福克“分层”的记载!它还列出,这不是在书中提到的提前公布 -Observations on the Utility, Form, and Management of Water Meadows, and the Draining and Improvement of Bogs。闪烁的睡前阅读。有趣的是,虽然,这是史密斯先生在水资源管理,关键的早期作品机箱在英国,允许他进行调查,并在整个英格兰,威尔士和苏格兰南部的挖掘行为之后。

“新闻。”苏格兰人杂志和爱丁堡文学杂[爱丁堡] 1807年10月1日:730+。19世纪英国报纸。网页。2014年9月24日。
我前面提到的,煤的高效位置的重要性,为什么史密斯的工作是如此重要,是进一步从这个片段阐明苏格兰人杂志和爱丁堡文学杂记in 1807. The key part here? “Regarding it as destitute of coal, much labour and expence to no purpose, might thus be prevented.”

(点击访问该资源)布里斯托,亨利W.,和J. W.洛瑞。“MPHH 1/439/3:英国纵断面表25的地质调查‘怀特岛的第三纪地层的垂直部分。’:显示地层柱规模:1英寸到20英尺地质调查由亨利·W上。Bristow; Engraved by J W Lowry; Published by Geological Survey Office, September 1858. Ms Colouring of Geological Stratigraphy.
布里斯托,亨利W.,和J. W.洛瑞。“MPHH 1/439/3:‘怀特岛的第三纪地层的垂直部分。’。英国纵断面表25的地质调查局:显示地层列。规模:1英寸到20英尺。地质调查由亨利·w ^布里斯托;用j w ^洛瑞刻;出版地质调查局地质地层的1858年九月小姐着色“。国家档案馆:选择地图代表龙19世纪。主要来源媒体,1858年十九世纪在线收藏。网页。 24 Sept. 2014. Mapping the World: Maps & Travel Literature.(click to visit this resource)

Although not by the great Mr. Smith, this early geological survey by Henry Bristow and J.W. Lowry in 1858—almost 40 years after the publication of William Smith’s famous geological map and almanac in 1815—is a fascinating look at the science and theartthat went into producing complex geological charts and maps. One of the greatest puzzles that Smith solved was not only to discover the extent and location of rock and mineral formations across the island, but to determine—with help from partners—how to display that meaningfully in a 2-d illustration.

法里,约翰。“在英格兰的分层;除了泰晤士牌坊,&C约翰Fabey,彼岸。” The Philosophical Magazine XXV: 44+.Nineteenth Century Collections Online. Web. 24 Sept. 2014. Religion, Society, Spiritualty & Reform (click to visit this resource)
法里,约翰。“在英格兰的分层;预期泰晤士河拱门,& C。约翰Fabey,彼岸“。哲学杂志XXV:44 + .Nineteenth在线世纪收藏。网页。9月24日2014年宗教,社会,Spiritualty与改革(click to visit this resource)

Here, in 1806, even before the publication of Smith’s master work in 1815, he is well regarded for his already-extensive “master work” on the stratification of England, Wales, and part of Scotland. My favorite part of this excerpt? The exclamation point. These chalk formations are exciting!

Tredgold,托马斯。“备注关于沃纳的地质原则,而那些史密斯。通过先生托马斯·特雷德戈尔德,彼岸。” The Philosophical Magazine LI: 36+. Nineteenth Century Collections Online. Web. 24 Sept. 2014. Religion, Society, Spiritualty & Reform (click to visit this resource)
Tredgold,托马斯。“Remarks on the Geological Principles of Werner, and Those of Mr. Smith. By Thomas Tredgold, Esq.” The Philosophical Magazine LI: 36+. Nineteenth Century Collections Online. Web. 24 Sept. 2014. Religion, Society, Spiritualty & Reform(click to visit this resource)

And, of course, it wouldn’t be true science and discovery if there wasn’t scandal, disagreement, and public argument about who first came up with these ideas, who can take credit, and whose name is attached to this doctrine. Here, in 1818, Thomas Tredgold seems to intimate that Mr. William Smith has a lesser claim to the doctrine of stratification, which “so nearly coincide(s) with the doctrine offormations”属于沃纳先生。



Bethany is an avid reader, coffee enthusiast, and travel maven. She’s a proud UMich alum with a BA in English & Spanish. While currently working on her MBA, she looks forward to graduating so she has time for hobbies again!

