埃尔哈特 - 神秘现象?


| By Mark Mikula |

History is a dynamic field of study. New discoveries and ongoing research often provide opportunities to learn new facts about the people and events that have shaped our world. One of American history’s long-standing mysteries regards the fate of the storied aviator Amelia Earhart, whose plane went missing in 1937 during her attempt to circumnavigate the world with navigator Fred Noonan. Various theories regarding her disappearance have been put forward, but a few years ago, a photograph was discovered in the National Archives that is being analyzed to determine whether its subjects include both Earhart and Noonan on one of the Marshall Islands. If their likenesses can be confirmed, it will add credence to speculation that Earhart and Noonan survived after their plane went down.



Both美国历史在上下文andBiography In Contextfeature topic pages on埃尔哈特包括参考内容,照片,目前的消息,并阐明了飞行员的成就和她的失踪光的视频。

Click to viewBiography In Context’s专题页面

美国历史语境中also has a portal on航空时代的曙光提供关于飞行在二十世纪的主题更大的范围内。

Click to view美国历史在语境中的航空门户时代的到来

Andcheck outNational Geographic Virtual Library对于1932年的文章仪式上,在其总统胡佛提出埃尔哈特与美国国家地理学会的特别金奖纪念横跨大西洋她单飞。埃尔哈特是第一位获得此项殊荣。


Do you think the newly discovered photo solves the 80-year-old mystery of this American heroine’s disappearance? Dig deeper into the mystery by申请试用>>

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