

|通过斯泰西雷音,成人图书管理员,和亚当Elsholz,助理图书馆馆长,南旧金山公共图书馆,CA |

Data, data everywhere. Libraries co-exist with loads of data but don’t really know how to use it. When the Peninsula Library System, a consortium of 32 city, county, and community college libraries, heard about Gale’s分析点播我们感兴趣的是它的能力,但是当它来到了使用它,恐吓集。工作作为一组帮我们分析一下信息告诉我们,最终的工具能做些什么。

We decided a good first step would be to capture the low hanging fruit—existing library cardholders that had not visited their library in more than a year. After much collaboration, the Peninsula Library System planned a mail campaign using分析点播“营销行动的报告(赞助),提醒顾客对各种服务的图书馆有可用的,让他们知道我们有更多的不仅仅是书籍。

早在南旧金山,我们使用分析点播to create marketing guides for staff. Adult and youth services team members discussed our largest customer segments at weekly meetings (these are referred to as Mosaic® lifestyles by Experian). The Mosaic descriptions were incredibly helpful, and an ideal resource when introducing staff to basic marketing concepts. Although opinions varied as to who we thought our biggest users were compared to the data in each report, the findings added energy and purpose to our discussions. The discussions resulted in several takeaways that impacted the services and collections we offered. For example, our largest customer segment travels abroad frequently. To ensure we meet their needs, it was essential that our travel guides focused on breadth and depth, especially for Asia and Latin America.

The reports generated by分析点播and the subsequent conversations have revitalized our marketing materials, including the creation of several brochures tailored to customer lifestyles. With the Mosaic profiling, we were able to create personalized brochures for each major segment. Instead of telling our customers that we have lots of books, we can now provide a brochure for our “Cosmopolitan Achievers” group that highlights our current travel guides, cookbooks from around the world, and also our calendar of cultural events. We also have a brochure at our branch library that highlights our fine-free children’s cards and Spanish-language music collection.

由科罗拉多州立图书馆和在2015年推出the Colorado Library Consortium, the Research Institute for Public Libraries is a singular event for public library leaders and others interested in public library data and evaluation. Attending this immersive event, we learned practical, strategic methods of gathering, analyzing, and using data for planning, management, and communicating impact. Thanks to the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a grant funded a two-day data boot camp for 50 libraries, representing the many different communities present in California, serving populations from 30,000 to over a million. Preparation work for this boot camp included reading articles that offered clear definitions of inputs, outputs, and outcomes as well as coming prepared with a library project for hands-on experience. The projects presented touched on summer learning, story times, staff efficiency, services provided, collection management, and personnel management. While we were there, we learned what inputs, outputs, and outcomes were present in our projects; how to collect data for a needs assessment by researching national public data sets, local records, library data, and market segmentation. Much of this data could be compiled and presented by分析点播

最后,我们参加了一个动手,交货cise where we were tasked with analyzing data and telling a story through the visualization of that data. This was a great way to collaborate with other libraries, build a network, and share ideas about how to make data-driven decisions. We competed against seven other groups. Guess what? Our group won the challenge! Shout out to Thousand Oaks Public Library, Los Angeles Public Library, Folsom Public Library, Coalinga-Huron Library District, and San Luis Obispo Public Library for being such great teammates.

At South San Francisco Public Library,分析点播是我们团队的市场营销的一部分的“工具包”。它使我们能够更好地适应和我们的产品,服务和促销活动,以个性化在我们的社会中的人。有机会对分析点播与车间,并与其他公共图书馆协作增加了我们团队的服务于我们的社会,他们的需求的能力。



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