Car Tips: What To Do When Stuck in the Snow




What to Carry in your Vehicle

  • 小或可折叠铲
  • 长靴(如果你不经常穿)
  • Sturdy pair of gloves or mittens and a cap
  • 沙或猫砂


Friends, family and neighbors will have a lot of different options of how to get out of the snow when stuck. Here are 10 simple reminders and tips:

  1. 确保排气管是启动或运行引擎前清除积雪。
  2. Look under the vehicle to identify if it is hung-up on snow that will need to be removed before being able to get free. If so,小心去除雪如果可能的话。如果有太多或者太遥远的车辆下,呼吁牵引服务。
  3. After removing snow, put some traction aid, in front of or behind the tires, depending on the direction chosen, to free the vehicle. Gently rock the vehicle as described below or with the help of others. Remember to accelerate slowly.
  4. 如果有人把一些轮胎,如地板垫下,确保每个人都在齿轮驾驶员将站在面前充分离开车辆的车辆。轮胎下的项目可以成为快速移动的抛射物,可以伤害周围的人。有许多的产品在市场上做广告更好的牵引力让车辆脱胶,只是别忘了要使用,如果他们中的一个肯定每个人都好清楚车辆。
  5. 猫砂是在红土高可能会融化成轮胎下方的防滑物质。考虑杂乱,在粘土或沙子来代替低。沙可能是最生态友好的选项。
  6. 将猫窝或坚固的容器中的砂管袋将它们放在车前。然后,如果你需要使用他们的牵引力辅助,内容不遍布你的汽车或行李箱内。
  7. Secure the sand tubes or cat litter if they are placed inside the vehicle, such as in a van or SUV. These can become dangerous projectiles in an accident. In the bed of a truck, try to secure them over the driving axle.
  8. 不要通过从前进档切换到反转并再次晃动车辆。这将过热的引擎,并可能导致传输失败。相反,保持在任何反向或驱动车辆,轻踏油门去稍微摇滚在希望的方向,然后松开油门,让车辆回到原来的位置的车辆。再次做到这一点向右走,直到车辆本身岩出车辙,并返回到可行驶表面的重复它。
  9. Once the tires start slipping, release the accelerator. Spinning the tires just makes the situation worse.
  10. 使用最低档位可能,为了获得最佳的牵引力轻轻地加速。

Winter Weather Must-Haves

尽管许多的us live in urban areas or rural areas that are traveled frequently, it is still a good idea to keep a sleeping bag or blanket in the vehicle during the winter in case it takes a while for help to arrive.


Keep a bright flashlight available in the vehicle to use to help others see the stranded vehicle as well as to be able to look around the vehicle after dark. Flares or roadside assistance markers are also good to carry in the vehicle. Check the flashlight operation at least once a month, especially if the vehicle is not kept in a garage.

Keep non-perishable food and water on hand. They will freeze in the coldest weather so replenish as needed.

雪可能会导致问题为您的车辆和一些严重的,像这样的Safety Recall. Your patrons can always turn to Gale’sChiltonLibraryfor the most up-to-date info on vehicle maintenance, repair, Technical Service Bulletins, labor cost estimating, ASE test prep, and more.


Tracy Junker is an automotive editor with more than 15 years automotive industry experience. Her father owned and operated a garage for about 30 years. Though she was too young at the time to work in the garage, she worked with him later at home on the family’s vehicles and those of former customers that would not trust anyone but her Dad to fix their cars correctly. She began working on her own cars and trucks out of necessity. Tracy says, “My interest in cars was because I loved working with Dad on whatever project he had going.”.

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