

A library’s print, eBook, and digital resource collection will always be the bedrock upon which service to a particular community is built. Developing a robust LGBTQ collection draws on the same core principles that define all aspects of collection development:


2。An ongoing mechanism for working with the communities your collections serve in order to assess what the current collection is lacking and what kind of materials need to be added. Work with LGBTQ groups in the community to refine the collection development plan for LGBTQ materials and create a patron request system specific to the LGBTQ collection.




For gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals concerned about privacy, online products can become “invisible” resources in a way print materials can’t, at least when circulated. Deb Sica, chair of ALA’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) comments: “Now, with improved access to e-materials, it is much easier to obtain copies of quality GLBTQIA+ items and uphold patron privacy.” (GLBTQIA+ is often defined as including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual individuals.) This is valuable to patrons searching for the kind of historical and scientific information that can be found in digital resources such as Gale’s Archives of Sexuality and Gender and Gale eBooks on GVRL. Primary sources are important because, as aptly stated on the Library of Congress website, they “provide a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study, produced by people who lived during that period.”

西卡指出,“我记得在德克萨斯州的图书馆合作,并且是大吃一惊电子材料首次成为供大众下载。对于异性的需求,性别规范的恋情暴涨。一旦“禁忌”流派,经常可耻还是很快签出,恋情迅速成为图书馆的最高循环的e-冠军最长的保持队列中。当时通过e-浪漫的读者感受到了同样的释放经验,现在正感受到GLBTQIA +顾客开放访问我们的虚拟馆藏。无论是我们的最大努力来欢迎,物理磁带库可能是恐惧产生的经验。物理材料可以成为违禁那些敏感,判断的情况。体育项目可以从潜在赞助人在不经意间。在虚拟世界中所提供的隐私是更为广阔和探索,对于很多值得欢迎的动态和切入点。至少我们可以做的就是让这种虚拟图书馆的空间,充分获得和利用对所有集合。”



现在你知道如何建立你的收藏,read about how to develop a strong “reconsideration” policy >>

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