


You’ve seen the headlines: Pluto ISN’T a planet; wait…Pluto IS a planet. From its discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the solar system. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) decided that Pluto was not in fact a planet, and changed its designation to “dwarf planet.” [1]




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About the Author

Carrie is starting her public library career after six years in higher education IT. She has a B.S. in written communications, gets her work/life balance playing roller derby, and still has her first library card.


  1. “冥王星”。UXLEncyclopedia of Science。埃德。Amy Hackney Blackwell and Elizabeth Manar. 3rd ed. Vol. 8. Farmington Hills, MI: UXL, 2015. 1750-1753.金宝搏彩票大风虚拟参考图书馆。网页。2014年12月16日。
  2. “3D Printing.”科学的大金宝搏彩票风百科全书。埃德。K.李勒纳和Brenda Wilmoth勒纳。第5版。卷。8.法明顿希尔斯,MI:大风,2014年4383。金宝搏彩票金宝搏彩票大风虚拟参考图书馆。网页。二零一四年十二月十七日。
  3. “Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).” UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Amy Hackney Blackwell and Elizabeth Manar. 3rd ed. Vol. 5. Farmington Hills, MI: UXL, 2015. 1060-1062. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2014.

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