


在得知亚马逊已选择终止计划建在皇后区的纽约市行政区总部,我感到失望的感觉为皇后桥社区的成员。几个星期前,我听到有许多皇后桥的居民和社区领袖(和冷漠任何地方的反对,在另一方面,通过其他人)利益的亚马逊宣布是如何遭到了希望的NPR故事。1The story of Ivy Strickland was one on the side of optimism. Ivy is studying coding via a nonprofit institution, Pursuit, that trains low-income adults for tech jobs. She describes how coding may very well be the key to securing a job that compensates her well enough to do more for herself and her loved ones.


金宝搏彩票盖尔亲自挑选的电子书收集从编码金宝搏彩票大风Virtural参考图书馆(GVRL)支持学生以及公共图书馆读者的多样化需求调研。随着冠军从风车图书年轻的小学生;以初中和高中学生从罗森参考和卡文迪什广场出版;从John Wiley和Sons和Springer,高校和成人的选项Codingcollection onGVRLoffers something for everyone.

For an excellent introduction to concepts, systems, and protocols, look to thePrinciples of Programming and Coding打的基本要素。挖掘到的收集,我的最爱之一是游戏编码完成一个动手的导游经验丰富的游戏程序员是为那些有兴趣学习如何开发商业品质的游戏大项所用。找东西来激励年轻的头脑?检查出的一个Everyday Coding集合中可用的标题。


Andrea Henderson is Gale’s Content Strategist for Public libraries. She is a lifelong editor and lover of words. On any given day you will find her balancing domesticity (one cool husband, three awesome kids, and the sweetest English bulldog on the planet) and reference content conceptualization, development, and promotion. Give her a chance to read a great piece of fiction and she’s a happy camper.

1”With Amazon’s Arrival, A New York Community Pushes To Be Included,” NPR, 22 January 2019.[https://www.npr.org/2019/01/22/686588951/with-amazons-arrival-a-new-york-community-pushes-to-be-included]

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