Gale Employees Donate Necessities to Freedom House Detroit



1983年,在萨尔瓦多的政治酷刑和谋杀的报道感到震惊,一组Detroiters的走到了一起,谁逃离该国,并在城市趋之若鹜,因为它靠近加拿大就​​这样来到了帮助难民,Freedom House诞生了。“自由之家”是一个临时的家rvivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. Their mission is to uphold a fundamental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, of providing safety for those “yearning to breathe free.”


金宝搏彩票大风HR Exec的。迪尔,道格BLOME,令人高兴的是怀揣着盒子放到自由之家

We began our journey with a company-wide announcement to gather gently-used or new items such as clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, diapers, and much, much more throughout the entire month of May. After collecting boxes and boxes of essentials, we took the time to sort through them to organize the boxes by gender and size. This is where the fun begins! After the items were organized, boxed up, and ready to go, a group of nine Gale employees had the pleasure of taking the items to Freedom House. Not only did we get the history of this amazing organization, but we also got a small tour of the beautiful, historic building. The staff and residents were very hospitable and thankful we brought them 10 large boxes of clean, gently-used necessities. We even met one of the former residents who lived at Freedom House for two years before landing a job and permanent residency—he referred to the CEO as his mother.




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