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十月是全国预防欺凌月,在全国范围内开展创建于2006年由PACER国家欺凌预防中心约提高认识,帮助防止欺凌。[1]欺凌is generally defined as intentional, aggressive behavior that results in emotional distress or physical harm to the target, generally on multiple occasions. It can occur in person or online and takes many different forms, including verbal abuse, social ostracism, and physical abuse.

据stopbullying.gov,估计在6 - 12年级的所有学生的28%,拥有经验丰富的欺凌,30%的人承认,他们已经欺负别人。[2]欺凌可对那些谁体验它,包括学术问题,社会孤立,抑郁,焦虑的不利影响,甚至会导致自杀。金宝搏彩票即使孩子不欺负的直接目标,欺凌会对那些谁见证它的负面影响。因为学生的70%以上报告说,他们目睹欺凌,它不仅是在个人层面的问题,而是一个社会问题。

Most bullying happens at or near schools, so bullying prevention strategies generally involve entire communities, including parents, teachers, school staff, and other trusted adults. Most bullying prevention groups encourage talking openly with children about bullying and modeling positive behaviors such as kindness and empathy to create a culture of respect. Children are encouraged to report bullying to adults and, if they feel safe doing so, stand up for themselves or other children who are being bullied. If children who witness bullying do not feel safe standing up to the bullies themselves, they can be supportive of bullied students in other ways, such as eating lunch with them or including them in other activities.


For more information on bullying, including identifying bullying behaviors, statistics, and ways to combat bullying in your community, please see the欺凌网络欺凌portals in对立的观点融会贯通。

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