Good Week To Be Large Print: 60% of NYT Fiction Hardcover Bestsellers, 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners

2min read

Posted on May 3rd, 2016

We’re having a good week at Thorndike, and this news is also good for libraries – and all readers who appreciate the ease of access that large print provides. Here’s what we’re excited about:

  • 七书开张的的New York Times打印精装畅销小说排行榜4月24日的一周,五是从桑代克的标题大字。
  • Overall, of the 20 published/extended titles on the Print Hardcover Best Sellers Fiction list, we offer 12 (that’s 60%!) in large print.
  • In addition, Thorndike offers two newly announced Pulitzer Prize-winning books in large print.

Our editorial staff is thrilled, as we continue our quest to put the BEST titles in the best (most accessible to all) format in readers’ hands as quickly as possible. (BEST titles in the best format?? TOP titles? Don’t want to use Best twice.


  • As Time GoesBy玛丽·希金斯·克拉克。当电视记者寻找她的亲生母亲涵盖了富裕医生的遗孀审判秘密浮出水面。
  • 14个th殖民地by Steve Berry. The covert operative Cotton Malone must thwart an agent loyal to the former Soviet Union.
  • Family Jewels斯图尔特·伍兹。在37th石巴林顿的小说,律师成为涉及富裕的离了婚的前夫是个谜纠结。
  • The Murder of Mary Russell由劳里·R·金。在15玛丽罗素新颖,重点是克拉拉,管家拉塞尔和她的丈夫,福尔摩斯,谁是不是她似乎是谁。
  • 丁香女孩by Martha Hall Kelly. A story of three women’s lives during and after World War II.

Rounding out the list ofNew York TimesPrint Hardcover bestsellers available in large print are:

  • Fool Me Once由哈兰·科本。一位退休的陆军直升机飞行员面临着关于她的丈夫和妹妹的死亡与战斗有关的恶梦和奥秘。
  • 所有的光我们看不到由安东尼·杜尔。的盲法国女孩和之前和二战期间一个小工具痴迷的德国男孩的生命。
  • 女孩在火车by Paula Hawkins. A psychological thriller set in the environs of London.
  • 在你之后by Jojo Moyes. In a sequel to我之前你路易莎·克拉克试图威尔特雷诺死后把她的生活重新走到一起。
  • Miss Julia Inherits a Mess由安·B·罗斯。
  • A Brush of Wingsby Karen Kingsbury.
  • Glory Over Everything由凯瑟琳·格里索姆。


Want to bring these titles to readers in your community? Contact your销售代表to request a quote or reserve your copies of these hot titles today.
