


作为一个青少年,我有时发现自己处于恶作剧之中。我在学校的成绩很差,我经常和父母对簿公堂,我甚至去过当地的警察局一两次。我的生活中有一个明显的转折点,这个转折点始于我发现自己在当地的图书馆。我记得很清楚。在一个小房间的壁橱里,有两台386电脑。这些电脑出现于微软视窗系统之前。没有花哨的用户界面,全是命令行驱动。他们的电脑运行的应用程序比今天的标准还粗糙。然而,这两台电脑满足了我十几岁时的好奇心。他们给了我一些新的和令人兴奋的探索。 The librarian working the reference desk got to know me by first name as I would sign up to use the computers 3-4 times per week. She began turning me on to books in the library that could help me learn about computers. Without the help of my local library, I would not have been exposed to world of computer science. From that day forward, I knew what interested me. I knew the direction I wanted to take in life. Fast forward to today, 20 years later. Those two 386 computers are long gone, but the passion I have for computer science still exists inside of me.女孩空气约旦
