

By Cynthia G.

我的旅程开始了图书馆第一次走进我的小两房公共图书馆在鲳鱼镇我长大的地方。我六岁左右。妈妈带我到小的儿童区,并告诉我,我可以挑选任何一本书,我想和我可以把它带回家!我是超越兴奋!我尤其喜欢书籍本身的一切 - 他们的气味,新页面和包含的每一故事。我喜欢阅读和阅读问一个孩子所以这就像梦想成真!让我大吃一惊的是房间的舒适感和许多书籍衬货架选择。我去那里经常从那时候开始,并制定了阅读和图书馆的热爱!图书馆的这份爱一直伴随着我在我的青少年时期,我尽可能多的时间花费了,我可以在我的中学图书馆。

After I finished my Bachelor of English degree, I took a career assessment test and met with a career counselor to go over the results. The test indicated that I was most suited to a career in libraries. I then began taking courses to acquire my Master’s In Library Science (MLS). During the time I was pursuing my MLS, I worked as a library clerk and Reference Assistant at the Otis Library in Norwich, CT. It was there that I discovered that I loved being a “detective for information.” I love the research process and how wonderful it is to finally find an important piece of information that helps a library patron on his or her way.

在完成我的MLS后,我获得了一个新的位置在11月2001年社区服务馆员在Hagaman纪念图书馆。在我多年在Hagaman,我目睹了第一手技术的发展以及它是如何改变图书馆的面貌。点燃,Nooks技术,平板电脑和iPhone的发展,改变了社区接收阅读内容的方式。图书馆正在重新思考他们的传统角色,作为一个地方做研究和借书籍和电影,到一个地方,是社会,公众可以达到的枢纽,承担技术和其他主题类,让他们的GED,成为a U.S. citizen, listen to lectures, come to cultural events, hear concerts, as well as borrow print and non-print materials. Librarians are becoming the teachers of new technology. This is extremely important so that digital inequality can be eliminated and all citizens can have access to information and resources pertinent to that person’s educational and employment advancement as well as for personal enrichment and entertainment.

Libraries and librarians will always be needed for any community to thrive educationally, economically and culturally. A lot has changed in libraries since I was that six year-old little girl entering my small, two room home town library for the first time, One thing that has not changed and that will always exist is the need for equal access to information and resources, no matter the format.

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