

SPOILER ALERT:大型打印格式为60岁以下的人提供完全理想的益处。

你有没有这么擅长某些人发现自己珍贵的东西?作为纹理可以觉得像一个混合的祝福 - 你的声称名声闪耀着光芒,创造了你的其他伟大品质隐藏的影子。如果大型印刷书是人们,他们会敏感。

No doubt, large print books are a well-known solution for visually impaired readers, and those readers are typically seniors. Unfortunately for large print, being so good at solving this one problem for this one audience has led to a narrow, and sometimes inaccurate view of the usefulness of the format overall.

We’d love to enlist the expert MythBusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman to explore the issue in detail, but if you’ve ever seen the Discovery Channel show, you know their mythbusting process tends to involve blowing things up, and we’d hate to see our beloved books so abused.

So, without the pyrotechnics, here are the biggest large print myths: BUSTED!


Large print is not只是一种bigger font size that makes reading accessible for the visually impaired. It’s also proven to improve letter and word recognition, aid reading comprehension, and increase feelings of confidence and satisfaction when reading. That makes it perfect for beginning or reluctant readers and ESL/ELL students. Large print books are an essential resource for any literacy program.


If the font is bigger, it stands to reason the book will be bigger as well, right? That large print titles seemingly defy basic logic makes this one of the most prevalent misconceptions. In fact, large print titles are often the same size or较小than their hardcover or trade paperback counterparts and weigh about the same as a traditional hardcover book. The common reaction to learning this fact is, “Well, to be the same size or smaller, they must be abridged.” This is also false. The magic here lies in the combination of printing on a thinner, higher quality paper and laying out the text to maximize the use of white space.


你现在可能会注意到一个趋势,但这也是假的。Thorndike Press发布了比任何其他大型印刷品商更畅销书和畅销书。我们目前有超过4,000个标题可供选择每月200多个新标题。从经典到邪教收藏,我们的选择跨越所有类型的小说和非小说,并涵盖了4个读取水平的顾客thgrade on up.

New York Times Best Selling Publishers Thorndike Press
Click to enlarge.

Myth: Large print doesn’t publish for 6 – 9 months after the original edition.

Thanks to advancements in typesetting technology and process efficiencies, that is no longer the case. Many bestsellers are published by Thorndike Press simultaneous to the original release. That’s right.At the same time那not 9 months later. The vast majority of remaining large print editions follow by just three months, allowing you to keep your large print collection up to date with the freshest and newest titles.


我们已经调查了数百个图书馆,并了解到大型印刷品可以传播,如果不是更好,常规打印。但尽管有很大的好处,但我们经常发现大型印刷收藏品藏在低架上的一点部分。以下是来自最成功的库的顶级提示:与常规格式标题集成大型打印副本;在识字中心或附近的搁置大型印刷品,使得开始和不情愿读者更容易,而ESL / ELL顾客可以找到;免费下载MARC记录,以便增加目录发现;并使用Thorndikikike Fround提供的免费书签,海报和其他促销材料来提高认识。


There are obvious benefits of large print for the visually impaired, beginning or reluctant readers and ESL/ELL students. But that’s not all. Here are three more unexpected large print lovers:

  • Bouncing People:Have you ever tried to read a 10pt font size from 3 feet away锻炼时?这真的很难。下次你踏上跑步机,代替一本大型的打印书。
  • Tired People:According to the latest Nielsen stats, the average American adult spends 11 hours per day with electronic media. Digital eye strain occurs after two or more hours of digital device use. Tech addicts would be well-served to give their eyes a rest with the easy-reading large print format.
  • 不耐烦的人:跟一个靠山是谁伤心地听到他们是992nd依据阅读John Green的人The Fault In Our Stars? With all of the benefits of large print, it’ll be easy to make it not only their first-available format, but their most preferred.

Air Jordan

15.thoughts on “The Biggest Large Print Myths Busted!”

  1. Large print books are the best kept secret! And why? My collection of large prints are so popular! Yes, our senior patrons love them but so does the general public. Special Tip: For those of us who wear glasses, we can read LP books at night WITHOUT glasses. I guess the secret is out!

  2. 95%的新小说书籍在大打印。我有一个人告诉我“读大打印给我一个头痛”,但这是我超过8年的唯一投诉!我的大多数顾客只是喜欢他们通过易于阅读的格式获得新版本的事实!

  3. Other patron comments…”Don’t you need to have a note from your doctor before you can check out large print books?” “No, I don’t want to take a large print copy, you should save that for someone who really needs to use the larger print.”

  4. I agree with you that large format printingcan increase our expenses but same time we can attract more people toward our business.

  5. 我很激动,我的三个John Pickett Mysteries(到目前为止)作为Thorndike的清洁读取计划的一部分进入大型印刷品!第四本上个月刚出现;我希望Thorndike也会在大打印中释放它!

    By the way, I’ve noticed that in my local library large print books from 20+ years ago remain in the collection long after the “regular print” copies have been culled. I enjoy older books as well as new ones, so it’s nice to know that these are still available and ready to be enjoyed by readers who may have missed them the first time around.

  6. I have been an avid reader since childhood and still am. I am now a shut-in with a cataract that blocks total vision on left eye and I am limited by other disabilities. I still read around 2-3 books a week sent to me through ‘Books-by-Mail’. It really helps with passing the time as I really don’t like TV and I have no close family/friends to visit. I see on this web sight that the font should be 16 and the color is jet black; however, most of the books I read (no matter who the publisher/printer) have a gray color. This puts more strain on my eyes and cuts down my reading time. Could someone please check this out and respond? The most recent book I have read published was Where It Hurts by Reed Farrel Coleman.

    • 桑德拉,
      Have you tried large print books? The print is black and larger, I feel it would really help lessen the strain.

  7. I have been a large print book reader for 20 years mostly because they were so much easier to read but lately I have noticed the print is just barely larger then small print and have been disappointed when ordering online. Does anyone know of a way to find out publishing house online by book title?

    • 嗨J,
      While normal print books range from 10-12 point font, large print books range from 14-16 point font. Thorndike Press is happy to announce they are on the larger side of the range, coming in at 16-point font! The large, jet-black type has been known to help struggling readers too. Take a look at more benefits of using Thorndike Press titles and browse all of the titles we have to offer:http://learn.cengage.com/lp=2714

  8. Do large-print books contain the same number of words that the small-l print books of the same story have?

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