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该following titles have just been made available:


This is one of two digital collections based on the microfilm title国务院的记录与中国,1930-1939的内部事务。Contained here are reels 1 – 99. Part of the General Record of the Department of State, the files are in Class 8: Internal Affairs of States. The documents are primarily instructions to — and dispatches from — U.S. diplomatic and consular staff. Subjects include political and governmental affairs; records on Bolshevism, fascism, Nazism, and socialism; issues relating to public order; and military and naval affairs.


This is one two collections based on the国家与中国,1930-1939的内部事务处的纪录。这里包含有卷轴100 - 167部分国务院总记录的,该文件是在8类:国家的内部事务。该文件主要是对指令 - 从和调度 - 美国外交和领事人员。主题包括社会问题,教育,娱乐,通信,大众报刊,经济和产业,以及其他主题。

中国:国家,1945 - 1949年美国能源部的记录

这个档案是基于微缩标题国家与中国,1945 - 1949年的内部事务处的纪录。Part of the General Record of the Department of State, the files are in Class 8: Internal Affairs of States. The document are primarily instructions to — and dispatches from — U.S. diplomatic and consular staff. Subjects include politics, military affairs, economy, and society, with separate files on provinces such as Manchuria, Yunnan, and Tibet. Folders on narcotics, entertainment, motion pictures, and other topics are also featured.

Japan and Korea: Summation of Nonmilitary Activities, 1945-1948

该rebuilding of postwar Japan and southern Korea by Allied occupation forces is described here in a series of thirty-six monthly reports. The reports offer detailed information on industrial reparations; conversion of production from military to consumer goods; land reform; restructuring of educational, public health, and welfare programs; and the establishment of a liberal, democratic political system. The reports on SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) activities in Korea cover the administration of civil affairs and reconstructive efforts under the military occupation government and later the South Korean Interim Government. This digital archive is based on eight microfilm rolls.

Japan: U.S. Naval Technical Mission, 1945-1946

该U.S. Naval Technical Mission to Japan was established on 14 August 1945. The purpose of the mission was to survey Japanese scientific and technological developments of interest to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the Japanese islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu, Hokkaido; China; and parts of Korea. The enterprise entailed the seizure of intelligence material, its examination, the interrogation of personnel, and ultimately the preparation of reports which would appraise the technological status of Japanese industry and the Japanese navy. During the period of operation a total of 655 officers and men served the organization and 185 individual reports were published.

日美经济关系组记录,1979- 1981年



这个档案抄录缩微国家美国能源部的十进制文件611.94和6194.11的。该文件跟踪美国和日本之间的商业关系在近半个世纪的历程岁月1910至1929年,1930-1939,1940-1944,1945-1949和。这些文件主要是要说明 - 从和调度 - 外交和领事官员。国务院和外国使节在美国的注意事项,备忘录,准备由国务院官员,并还设有与其他政府部门的官员和私人企业和个人的对应关系。主题包括:广告,飞机,商务,海关管理,药物法规,关税,禁运,自由港,登陆证,法律,市场,商品,监狱制造的商品,纯食品和药品法规,走私,关税条约,出口和进口贸易,低估进口商品,许多其他议题。

Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1950-1963

这个档案再现十进制文件494和基于微缩标题记录与日本的美国商业关系,对于这些年来1950-1954,1955-1959,1960-1963和。这个集合中的文件主要是要说明 - 从和调度 - 外交和领事官员往往伴随着外壳。国务院和外国使节在美国的注意事项,备忘录,准备由国务院官员,并且也包括与其他政府部门的官员和私人企业和个人的对应关系。







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