


通过:Jen Manion

这changing meanings and usages of terms related to gender and sexuality can be charted in the American Antiquarian Society Collection on Literature, Reports, and True Crime inCrime, Punishment, and Popular Culture, 1790-1920那which features a diverse range of true crime tales, dime store novels, formal state reports, and longer accounts, factual and fictitious. The term “gay” appears in over one thousand monographs over a one-hundred-year period from 1820–1930, peaking in the 1860s with 318 documents describing spirits, songs, companions, groups, conventions, deportment, and art. The term “unsex” appears a scant nine times. One such usage appeared in a trial testimony implicating a woman as an accessory to a crime for which her husband was charged:

But if you dare to raise your arm, to unsex yourself and engage in a conspiracy against the nation’s life and the nation’s honor, to make a widow of one of your own sex, to strike down the father and husband in the presence of his wife and child, I call upon this honest jury of my countrymen to spurn that spirit of mawkish sentimentality.[一世]

性别和性行为的学者欢迎文件搜索,从而产生丰富的结果,以前将需要几年,甚至将数十年的手工研究在一起。在文献,报告和真正犯罪上搜索AAS集合中的“Queer”一词,单独返回专着的742个实例。在1860年代的使用率达到峰值,在该十年内有283次。通过限制搜索“Queer”,术语“Dandy”一个人发现两个单词从1840-1870分开了133次命中。同样,通过用“耙子”更换“吊装”,148击中结果。在这Bandit Queen: A Tale of Italy发表于1869年,一个花花公子被描述为“一种苗条,柔弱的人类样本,用光,卷发,蓝眼睛,并且在他的上唇上有一个非常柔软的胡子,他不断试图扭曲成尖锐的点角落。“[ii]从1860年到19世纪初,这些参考文献也常见于纽约的Beadle and Company发表的常见繁茂,戏剧性的,填充的一角小说,从19世纪60年代发表。[III]

历史学家的性行为有很长的追查法律案件,与SoDomy有关,用于同性亲密的证据。对“耶索德”一词的参考资料也是对德国和戈米圣经城镇的文字和隐喻的窗口。关于谋杀“美丽的玛丽亚bickford”的犯罪叙述描述了新贝德福德,马为“美国德国”和Bickford的谋杀之家,阿尔伯特约翰·蒂克雷尔。“无论谁那里都可以在每个墙上都阅读:贵族 - 谋杀卖淫假义,并地狱,”账户国家。关键词“耶玛”还从收集初期从部长带来了众多军校。学生可以比较术语中的含义和背景,并以重要的重叠历史:犯罪报告和宗教改道。[IV]

While dime novels of the time gave a more dramatic read of women and criminality, theT.S.木侦探代理记录,1865-1945提供洞察日益跨越犯罪学领域如何影响妇女犯罪的普遍看法。在他们关于“妇女匪徒”的报告中,原子能机构总结了意大利犯罪学家Cesare Lombroso的看法,他声称“妇女因暴力罪”而尤其没有出席预谋的暴力。[v]大多数由女性的暴力行为情况可能归因于无法控制的情绪爆发。然而,该机构的报告公开纠纷洛克罗州的索赔,根据当天的“黑社会”的追踪妇女的经验。侦探的观察争辩说:“不仅是女性活跃的合作伙伴,而且在少数情况下,他们似乎是真正的领导者,提供酷神经并管理持有的细节。”侦探描述这些人使用的语言与事件所揭示一样。一段描述“孤独,女性狼”世卫组织在出租车司机上成功。“When Sally Scott of Detroit was caught after a string of robberies, she was taken to police headquarters where it was revealed that she was wearing “a man’s blue shirt” and also had two tattoos on her arm, one of which said “The Godless Girl.” When asked to explain “the sentiments behind these decorations,” she said, among other things, “I really don’t believe in God.” This report closes with an account of an alleged coeducational school for criminals led by a woman, Miss Jackie Bayne. Frustrated by one of the male students, Bayne “told him he would never get anywhere in the crime business,” at which point “she called him a ‘sissie’ and fired him.”

犯罪分子来自性别或性犯的罪行 - 如交叉敷料,卖淫或强奸 - 很好地代表。在每个集合中使用关键字搜索,研究人员可以通过跨敷料和其他主题来检查性别违规的主题。这National Police Gazette1884年12月6日,精致的手中的一名福尔森人的形象,用浓密的面部头发盯着三个警察盯着下来;它被标题为“丢弃了她的衬裙:想要穿马裤的布鲁克林女孩。”这个故事本身并不是一个不寻常的报纸,因为十九世纪的报纸定期印刷了那些被推定为出生的人的轶事,他们将自己作为男性传递出来的一系列活动,包括工作,旅游,冒险和美好时光。这个故事描述了一个年轻女子“谁一直在伪装成一个老兄的服装”。她被抓住了扒手并向车站带到了站点,此时“她的性是被发现的”,它在法庭上创造了“愤怒”。[vi]

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From this image, the keyword “breeches” leads to a story with an image of a person with curvy features and long curly hair; the image is titled “Harry Was a Woman.”[vii]

“哈利”的标题是哈利西worked as a groomsman for a wealthy man under the supervision of a man named John Wright. Harry was outed as having previously been the wife of a Mr. Donoghue, who tracked down his former wife on a tip that she was involved with Wright. Wright was married with two kids who also lived on the premises, pointing to the conclusion that Wright and West cooked up the scheme together so that West would have a legitimate reason to live in the house, too. These two stories introduce readers to the dynamic, complicated, and exciting accounts of sex, gender, love, and adventure that defy anyone simple characterization or interpretation.

尽管在监狱报告中,法院交易和警察博客中妇女犯罪的长期证据,但许多出版物的既有出版物耸人听闻的女性犯罪的代表,特别是对暴力犯罪。这些趋势可以在报纸头条和流行的犯罪文学中看到。一个挑衅性的标题National Police Gazette指“雌性杰克牧羊犬”,同时具有暴力,令人不安的一个女人攻击另一个女人的形象。

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Jack Shepherd was a commonly used moniker for skilled thieves based on the English thief from the 1720s who became famous for breaking out of jail repeatedly. While it doesn’t seem that this young thief came anywhere near the accomplishments or notoriety of a Jack Shepherd, that fact was beside the point. The subtitle clarifies “A young woman footpad of Butte, Mont. who makes a specialty of robbing her own sex.”[一世]这篇文章特别提醒读者的时候,女性也可能是暴力盗贼。


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[一世]Surratt, John Harrison.John H. Surdatt在哥伦比亚区刑事法院的试验:HON。乔治P. Fisher主持。卷。2.华盛顿,哥伦比亚区:政府印刷办公室,1867年。犯罪,惩罚和流行文化1790-1920。网。25 Nov. 2015.

[ii]Bennett, Emerson.匪徒女王:意大利的故事:由艾默生贝内特,“SOL Slocure”的作者“草原花”,“Forrest”的“幻影”,“Clara Moreland”,“Forged Will,”等等。[New York]: Street & Smith, [1869?].犯罪,惩罚和流行文化1790-1920。网。2015年12月21日。

[III]For more on dime novels, see http://americanantiquarian.org/dimenovelwomen/

[IV]Daniel A. Cohen,盐的支柱,格雷诺古迹:新英格兰犯罪文学与美国流行文化的起源,1674-1860(马萨诸塞大学,2006年)。

[v]“妇女匪徒”,TS Wood侦探代理记录,1865-1945:第七系列。由James Rodney Wood,Jr.,1816-1934,Box 13,文件夹35.哈佛大学法律图书馆编制的刑事账户和文章。犯罪,惩罚和流行文化1790-1920。网。25 Nov. 2015.

[vi]“Discarded Her Petticoats.” National Police Gazette 6 Dec. 1884: 5. Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture 1790–1920. Web. 24 Nov. 2015

[vii]“Harry Was a Woman.” National Police Gazette 5 Mar. 1887: 7+. Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture 1790–1920. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.

詹诺恩那Ph.D., is Associate Professor of History and Director of the LGBTQ Resource Center at Connecticut College. Manion is author of Liberty’s Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015) and co-editor of Taking Back the Academy: History of Activism, History as Activism (Routledge, 2004). Jen has also published essays in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Journal of the Early Republic, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, and Radical History Review.

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