
1min read

Offer highly-visual and content-rich digital learning that will appeal to young children who are at the peak of curiosity and wonderment. With accessibility on tablets and smart phones, and anytime, anywhere access, educational materials are now easier than ever to integrate into daily life.


GVRL Pre-K Titles

A recent study of children between the ages of 6 months to 4 years shows that by age 2, most kids have used mobile devices. The amount of time the children spent using devices rose as they got older, with 26% of 2-year-olds and 38% of 4-year-olds using devices for at least an hour.


Interactive Online Early Literacy Program

Miss Humblebee's Academy

Miss Humblebee’s Academy采用扎实的教育方针和可爱的,有吸引力的字符来准备3岁儿童到6幼儿园水平。除了让孩子学习的乐趣,它:

  • Includes hundreds of guided lessons with sound cues across many disciplines
  • Assesses skill levels and reports outcomes regularly including tools libraries need to measure their impact on early literacy development in their communities.
  • 为家长提供的课程进度每周通知

This program offers parents flexibility and offers children variety. With a combination of online and offline learning opportunities, kids can play and learn anywhere.

  • 在图书馆或在家里访问
  • 在移动设备上访问(台iPad,平板电脑和Android智能手机)
  • 20% of the curriculum available as printables and practice worksheets, giving children practice using writing tools
