Stand Back: Heroes (No Villains) Land in Your Library for Summer

2min read

Do you remember the glorious childhood feeling of the last day of school? Walking out of your classroom with your face to the sun, eager to explore a whole summer of swimming, biking, and…reading! Wait, reading?


  • 在多明尼加大学的一项研究发现,谁参与了他们的公共图书馆暑期阅读计划,学生在上下一学年的开始不是谁没有参加,并在其他方面也取得了那些学生阅读成绩的测试得分较高。1
  • In a landmark study of public library summer reading programs, Barbara Heyns found that children who read at least six books during the summer maintain or improve their reading skills, while children who didn’t read any books saw their reading skills decline by as much as one grade level.2

这个夏天,你可以在你的社区的孩子与学习,同时有一个令人兴奋的暑期阅读程序具有英雄的乐趣,在从事并行Collaborative Summer Library Program


We’ve pulled together a special collection of电子书that will appeal to your summer readers, including biographies in fields ranging from the arts (covering Beyonce, Neil Patrick Harris, Selena Gomez, and more) to technology (where they can check out Bill and Melinda Gates). Choose from hundreds of titles from popular publishers likeNational Geographic Kids,全书数字化学习等,旨在捕捉孩子们的利益 - 对小学,初中和高中学生。

Find all the titles of this collection of GVRL eBooks for the2015年暑期阅读计划。事实上,你可以访问免费两个星期的审讯today! Or contact your Gale representative at 1-800-877-GALE to request more information.

1Susan Roman, Deborah T. Carran, and Carole D. Fiore, The Dominican Study: Public Library Summer Reading Programs Close the Reading Gap (River Forest, IL: Dominican University Graduate School of Library & Information Science, 2010), 1, accessed August 16, 2010

