Stonewall 50纪念:印刷的力量

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In the wake of the Stonewall uprising, the gay rights movement gained momentum and became a force that forever changed the status of gays and lesbians in society, perceptions about gender and sexuality, and culture itself. In the weeks and months after the police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969, LGBTQ activism gained strength and focus, and became increasingly engaged with society. Through the sources found in the性别和性别档案: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940,第1部分&2,这可以告诉详细的引人入胜的故事nuance and depth. No other digital primary source archive features the same kind of complete information to reveal how the LGBTQ rights movement evolved since this milestone act of defiance.

The Power of Print






在纽约市章节September 1969 newsletter,石墙起义在深入描述an article bolding proclaiming "The Birth of Gay Power" on page 1。作者州简单地说:“1969年7月2日,一个新的篇章是在同性恋运动的历史中写的。”骚乱和当地同性恋社区的回应 - 包括同性恋守夜,演讲和讨论以及讽刺异性恋的公共比赛 - 被描述和称赞。在整篇文章中,同性恋社区已被激活的想法是强调的。随着文章的结论,“主题是自尊,我们必须遵守自己,因为它不能授予我们;我们作为公民的权利,我们必须要求。我们是跳跃。”

Dob不仅定义了同性恋的蓬勃发展的想法,该集团致力于挑战许多在医疗建立和更广泛的社会中的长期信念 - 同性恋是一种疾病的时间。在纽约市章节October 1969 newsletter,第1页的公告强调由DOB赞助的公开会议,其中两个心理学家计划讨论心理学如何改变同性恋的观点。提到心理学家,文章强调,“他们认为个人的生命适应比性选择更为重要。”此外,文章呼吁成员将直接朋友和家人带到公开会议上,并概述会议计划在高调的主流出版物中宣传纽约时报村庄的声音


最初在1951年在洛杉矶成立,作为Mattachine基金会,Mattachine社会成为1953年的当地章节的国家组织,以及第一个同性恋权利团体之一。在本集团成为马特内恩社会,教育,出版物和公共关系之后成为本组织传播其原始议程的重要途径,以社会直接和同性恋的对象 - 关于同性恋身份和行为的科学事实。社会的出版物包括一个期刊Mattachine评论和新闻稿。与后来的同性恋权利群体不同,Mattachine在其许多行动工作中占据了保留,礼貌的基调和策略。

虽然MataChine Society在1961年溶解的国家结构后的重点演变,但旧金山和携带本集团在其他城市名称的分支机构的国家章节继续积极寻求变革。华盛顿马特纳社会专注于政治变革,挑战20世纪60年代非威胁时尚的美国公务员服务的歧视性政策。纽约马特琳协会因同性恋解放运动在20世纪60年代后期和20世纪70年代初而受到挑战。由于其低调风格,新同性恋权力运动和更多激进同性恋团队的思想有时是纽约章节如何实现真正变革和平等权利的观点。

在纽约马特琳协会1969年9月通讯,the article on page 1 has a headline which asks "What Is 'Gay Power'?"In the article, the Mattachine Society describes itself as being comprised of "doddering oldsters" who are now being approached by younger activists who want to achieve "gay power" and "gay liberation" because of the Stonewall uprising. The article emphasizes that the Mattachine Society has long worked towards specific goals including full equality for homosexuals, related legal reforms, and an end to discrimination, so the terms gay power and gay liberation "were new to us" but "the substance was not." After describing the society's many achievements such as an end to police entrapment of homosexuals in New York City, the article acknowledges that these new slogans have value to the movement because "Homosexuals are human beings and as such entitled to the same basic rights as all other human beings." The article concludes on a positive: "If this represents 'gay power', fine. We want it."


与卑邻女儿和马特纳社会的女儿相反,杂志同性恋权力as well as the organization Gay Liberation Front and its publication出来是在石墙袭击和起义之后创造的。虽然这些出版物对同性恋权利和社区的观点非常不同,但他们揭示了如何对当代事件和解放要求感知和反应的年轻一代。188金宝搏北京赛车与他们的前任不同,这些期刊的出版商并不一定像以同样的方式关注目标,也不一定是通过礼貌行动实现接受的目标。相反,这些期刊表明,同性恋动力运动是多方面的,那些专注于Gays和女同性恋者所寻求的财务收益的人,并成为同性恋解放的一部分。


After Stonewall, publisher Joey Fabricant created the New York-based magazine同性恋权力。从Teph-Stonewall Era的主要口号之一,同性恋权力在其上索赔1969年第一期to be an outrageous, unapologetic voice of the young movement. In第3页的声明, Fabricant declares, "For the straight, uptight politicians, bourgeois, and naive and maybe a pioneer here and there and yes, for you power freaks who adore exalting in the good of any cause, add to the list that of 'GAY POWER'. Watch it take to the road in the likes never seen before." Fabricant concludes, "Variety is still the spice of life and 'GAY POWER' is by and for all people. A people is what we shall exemplify first not in any 'half see how far we can get' subtle way, but in the best entertaining and educational way."

Despite such lofty pronouncements, Fabricant and his同性恋权力被证明是一个期刊致力于利用运动的名称来赚钱。而不是涵盖同性恋者和女同性恋者之间对同性恋权利的需求不断增长,突出了致力于进一步提出事业的会议,或者解释了如何亲自参与的,专注于广告(分类和展示),占星术和色情制作的制造业。虽然短暂,同性恋权力和制造者被视为破坏出版物从中汲取其名称的口号以及它声称代表的社区。


在包括该报纸的运动中,其他人批评了织造者和他的杂志出来。在它first issue in November 14, 1969, an第3页的文章标题为“Joey Figuredant Perverts Gay Power”outlines the issues with Fabricant and同性恋权力。The unnamed author explains that Fabricant was only concerned about increasing his profits and self-promotion, "to cash in on the new interest in homosexuality via the new freedom of the press." The author also claims, "I called it 'junk literature' and spoke of it as being 'subtly harmful,' in that it underscored all of the cliches of homosexuality. Many straights bought the publication out of curiosity, and it only confirmed their negative image of the homosexual as a disturbed, little-boy-molesting, half-witted freak." Furthermore, Fabricant attacked homosexuals by name in print without regard for any truth. In doing so, exposed their names to the public in a way which had negative impacts on their lives, careers, families, and mental health. Citing his personal power and the power of his readership, the author of "Joey Fabricant Perverts Gay Power" concludes by calling for a boycott of同性恋权力and any businesses that advertise or sell it.


不像同性恋权力,出来was very concerned with building positive relationships and carried the empowering tagline "A Newspaper By and For the Gay Community."出来是一个官方发布本组织的同性恋前锋(GLF),在纽约市之后在石墙起义后不久在纽约市形成。该集团的同性恋和女同性恋成员在南越南南越南的全国解放面临的名字,并确定了20世纪60年代后期和20世纪70年代初期的反作用动。GLF是反战,政治上左,革命性的拥抱,经常激进。GLF及其成员的观点和态度与诸如胆怯和紫外线女儿等女儿和马特纳社会的旧同志组织形成鲜明对比,这对初学者有点明显,无妥协的GLF活动家。虽然在纽约的GLF基本上落后于1971年底,但它在发布同性恋解放主义者的角度,分享有关其他同性恋提升群体的信息,展开了关于同性恋权和同性恋解放的想法,并为其提供了典范随后的政治活动家。

第1页出来's first issue, the perspective of GLF and the newspaper's editorial staff was clear: be supportive of fellow gays and demand change. This opening statement proclaims that出来“致力于同性恋男性和女性的喜悦,幽默和尊严。”此外,“出现”出来为同性恋自由而战出来......提供公共论坛,用于讨论和澄清结束我们压迫所必需的方法和行动。“该声明还指出,“我们将积极地促进在这片土地上的同性恋者的真实和有效的经济力量,以进一步实现同性恋界的利益。”


The writers and editors of出来无所畏惧地批评他们认为破坏了同性恋社区的任何人。例如,4.,他们挥霍了村庄的声音是纽约市领先的替代新闻出版,以其对石墙及其广告政策的无动于衷的报告。作家迈克布朗,迈克尔塔尔曼和狮子座路易斯马丁多,“他们在历史上的第一个同性恋骚乱的处理就像一份副本New York Daily News。Instead of being concerned about the civil rights of the Gay minority they were preoccupied with the uptight establishment's反应to the riots." The authors also note that村庄的声音censored classified ads purchased by GLF ahead of出来“出版物”。“同性恋”一词被从广告中删除,因为它被认为是淫秽,“同性恋者”也没有出于同样的原因也不是可接受的替代品。

作为回应,GLF的成员开始了法律程序,并在外面组织了一个纠察队村庄的声音office. Through their actions, gay and homosexual became acceptable words to use in ads, and ads could no longer be changed after purchase. Though GLF could not convince the村庄的声音改变其编辑能力,编写者可以说出他们喜欢任何人的人 - 即使它是偏执的和使用的贬义语言和想法 - 组织有权公开呼唤并抗议发表的内容村庄的声音。这些行动展示了赋权的同性恋社区如何担心促进进步的自信。


出来also featured diverse voices of the gay liberation movement. In第12页标题为“婊子:夏天不是永远”的文章,Marty Stephan, a self-described "drag butch," muses about the events surrounding Stonewall and the wider gay liberation movement that was being formed. Stephan discusses moments of pure joy related to the Washington Square rally after the Stonewall raid, stating "It was a beautiful thing to see, 500 of us marching, chanting, clapping in cadence — us dammit, after all these dead years." However, she also expresses a desire for more, a coming together "simply to enjoy the freedom of being together, to rejoice in each other, to get our heads together."

In relation to employment and GLF itself, Stephan wonders about the idea of social acceptance that was a key aspect of the gay liberation movement: “What the hell is social acceptance anyway? Does it just mean not being hassled and not being starred at anymore? Does it mean being dug by people who didn’t dig you before, just because you were gay? Or does it mean courteous treatment where you spend your bread?” After noting she had experienced being dismissed by other members for GLF for who she was, she calls on them to respect the lifestyles of all gays and lesbians. Stephan concludes, "Perhaps the best definition of social acceptance is just to have your own life style without comment from anyone — straight or Gay."

Outside of New York, the Song Remained the Same


Though HAL had more in common with the Mattachine Society than groups formed after Stonewall in attitude and outlook, this editorial concludes on a truth proven throughout these sources: “Whatever the outcome of what has been called the ‘first gay riot in history,’ things will never be the same again.” Through the breadth of articles in all these publications and others available—in as much of their entirety as possible—in the性别和性别档案:LGBTQ历史与文化自1940年以来, it is clear that the gay rights movement was full of different points of view on how to publicly pursue change, and what the ideas of gay power and gay liberation fundamentally meant in the post-Stonewall era. To read through entire issues of newsletters or periodicals on the性别和性别档案是看到多种形式的表达 - 大而小,显而易见和微妙 - 这些观点是同性恋权利和自由成为现实。
