




有没有人设计一个暑期阅读计划的方式,并有机会,你的图书馆的计划已全面展开发展。一些库给予信贷为每本书完成。其他图书馆询问顾客来跟踪他们多少分钟用来看书。Library summer reading programs can encourage readers to explore materials beyond the page.

权力的游戏让读者来算电子书!夏季是一个伟大的时间,以促进您GVRL集合,多彩非小说类儿童读物,适合度假空想家旅游指南,以及其他主题的文章一大堆。孩子们可以阅读内整个电子书国家地理儿童太。谁不喜欢阅读奇怪,但真facts? The eBook content available in国家地理儿童令人印象深刻,从方便读者喜欢All About Me,to books about animals, weather, archaeology, national parks, and history.National Geographic Virtual Library是门户网站,从经典的杂志文章。它的人,动物,和世界collection includes游客magazine and National Geographic eBook content as well. First-time genealogists can useGenealogy Connect要审查他们开始寻求如何对GET-开始电子书。


The 2014 adult summer reading program of Southfield Public Library in Michigan offered a game board (created by Katie Rothley) with squares for different activities. One square gave credit for checking out a DVD and watching a movie that was based on a book. If that’s your library’s style of program, why not include a square inviting participants to spend time in an electronic resource? Chandler Public Library in Arizona asked adults to enroll in aGale Coursesbring the enrollment confirmation email to the desk。A scavenger hunt in the library building can include clues, posters, and fun facts about online resources and eBooks. Create an online scavenger hunt for teens to explore the library website and your online resources. Sometimes it only takes a suggestion to get patrons stepping outside their comfort zone.

。图书俱乐部可以使用Artemis Literary Sourcesand Gale’s other literature products to move beyond the text for author information and critical reviews.Books and Authorsprovides readers’ advisory and recommends similar reads. If your library is using the Collaborative Summer Library Program themes –Every Hero Has a StoryUNMASK,andEscape the OrdinaRY- 有更多的方式来推广你的eResources。

  • 阅读关于现实生活中的英雄的生命传记语境stubby
  • 孩子们可以使用儿童InfoBitsto read about their heroes, or find粗短的战犬:第一次世界大战最勇敢的狗的真实故事in国家地理儿童。
  • Does your library have a travel collection? Do a display in the library about a unique, off-the-beaten-path destination. Promote yourGVRL旅游职称in the display too.
  • Invite local heroes to your library. Veterans come to mind first for national recognition, but perhaps a business owner or non-profit organization has made a difference to the community. Promote your business eResources, like小型企业资源中心对有兴趣了解更多关于创业惠顾。
  • 从盖尔的宣传网站和手出来的事件令自定义书签。188金宝搏北京赛车金宝搏彩票

通过采用一些想法,你必须采取一个伟大的创举 - 暑期阅读的机会程序和扩大其范围,以使您的惠顾更多的图书馆资源。条条框框,找到更多的方式来推广你的电子资源。暑期阅读可以比书这么多。

If you incorporate Gale resources into your summer reading plans, leave us a comment! If you’re in need of some Children’s resources,试用我们的英雄和电子书国家地理儿童today!


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