Tales from the “Olden Days”

By Debra Kirby

You know those stories adults like to tell kids about how much harder they had it when they were young? Like having to walk uphill for miles in the snow to school every day or having parents who made you eat every morsel of food on your plate – even liver. The message behind these stories of course, is to get listeners to appreciate how good they have it compared to life in the “olden days.” Working on our exciting new 3D productGale Interactive: Sciencerecently got me thinking about how much I hated biology labs, where I was actually expected to do such disgusting things as dissect frogs (never mind the horrid smell of formaldehyde) and how kids today can dissect a virtual frog instead if they have access to a product likeGale Interactive: Science.

Read moreTales from the “Olden Days”

Look Up in the Sky – What Do You See?

Posted on April 19, 2016

By Candy Jones-Guerin

Did You Know… that we can actually see the past? Light from distant stars take a very long time to reach the Earth, so when we look at a star through a telescope we are looking at the light that left the star several hundred, thousands or even million years ago!

Take your students on a journey that is sure to be out of this world on May 14th for International Astronomy Day. Gale has great resources to get you started!

Space and Astronomy Experiments Sourcebook, 1st Edition
十的ber 2016
Space and Astronomy Experiments Sourcebook, part of theScience Experiment Sourcebooksseries, features approximately 50 experiments on topics such as planets, stars and sunlight, and astrophysics, along with analysis and findings. These hands-on, user-friendly experiments for middle and high school students meet national science standards, require readily available materials, communicate directions clearly to student and teacher, and relate the activities performed to real-life situations.

Read moreLook Up in the Sky – What Do You See?