Gale Products Support The Great American Read

|By Traci Cothran & Catherine DiMercurio | These last few months, PBS created a whole campaign and shows around The Great American Read. They selected 100 books and asked viewers to note which novel impacted them the most, culminating in the announcement of the #1 “Great American Read.” Finalists were announced, building anticipation for …Read more


|通过崔西Cothran |每年有出版了一本小说bazillion,每过一段时间,其中一人是真正的神奇。这就是用你给的安吉·托马斯仇恨的情况。这处女作是在很多方面都非同寻常 - 出色的编剧,听上去很像字符 - 最特别是因为它...Read more