


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|桑代克出版社offers the largest collection of best-selling books in large print, and Five Star Publishing publishes award-winning western and frontier fiction titles. We’re excited to announce that both publishers are now on Edelweiss+, making it easier for librarians to stay on top of new and upcoming titles and stay …阅读更多

“The Hate U Give” Featured in Novels for Students, Volume 59

|By Traci Cothran | There are a bazillion novels published each year, and every once in a while, one of them is truly magical. That’s the case with The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This debut novel is extraordinary in so many ways – amazing writing, relatable characters – most especially because it …阅读更多


|通过玫瑰Huling |流动图书馆和宣传协调员|莫尔斯学院图书馆(纳提克,MA)|所有的目光都集中在我,我中老年人的读书俱乐部的前面站了起来,我接手心血来潮。这不是我自信地做出决定;我是在一个完整的新手吧...阅读更多

布斯贝港纪念图书馆Pilots Book Group Sponsored by Thorndike Press

|By Meg Donaldson, originally published in the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library Newsletter | Books and Bites started out as a pilot book group at Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library sponsored by Thorndike Press, a large print publisher. The group meets at St. Andrew’s Village as a way to broaden the Library’s reach. After just a few …阅读更多

Striving Readers Can Succeed with Large Print


When it comes to print, size really does matter. A larger font boosts decoding, fluency, and comprehension for young readers. Once these skills are strengthened, students once frustrated by reading, learning the English language, or struggling with developmental delays, such as ADD/ADHD or dyslexia, gain confidence to become enthusiastic, lifelong readers.


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格威内特县公共图书馆Lands Finalist Position in Spark Prize

Nestled just North of Atlanta, the Gwinnett County Public Library has always been dedicated to enriching the lives of those in their community from children to adults and beyond. For reluctant or struggling readers, GCPL is a strong advocate of large print books, stating “the larger font and increased white space can help to improve …阅读更多

Peer Pick Selector, Mary Olson, Shares Best Practices with Thorndike Press

The Wednesday Night Book Discussion on Facebook You can build a vibrant and loyal book club without ever meeting in person. At the Medina County (OH) District Library, we’ve cultivated a terrific book group on our Facebook page. We call it the Wednesday Night Book Discussion. About five years ago, our library system was actively …阅读更多