


Biography In Context对于初学者来说,在那里你会在本月发现功能上的民权运动之母,罗莎·帕克斯。她安静的坐在一个蔑视“白人”ection of a bus on December 1, 1955, galvanized support for the Civil Rights Movement, sparking Freedom Rides, boycotts, and sit-ins. Transport students back in time to visit this tumultuous era in our nation’s history – students can read about Parks and her work, hear her speak in a video, and look at her statue that President Obama unveiled in the Capitol.

今年也标志着50周年庆投票权法案,andStudent Resources In Contextcovers that legal precedent as well as recent challenges to it. While on the topic,妇女的参政权打到大屏幕最近,和运动背后的引人入胜的故事中可以找到美国历史语境中。读苏珊·B·安东尼的“讲话妇女参政的权利,” 1873年,当她为具有大胆地投抓起来!看普选游行的照片,阅读情感的塞内卡瀑布宣言,以及来自卡丽·查普曼·卡特,伊丽莎白·斯坦顿,等其他主要来源。
