网络欺凌的年龄 - 你的学校社区是否准备好了?


| By Christine Schneider, K12 eResources Curriculum Specialist |

从一篇文章中修改了第一次发布的文章曼恩(Michigan Association for Media in Education) Newsletter

作为Covid-19大流行的不幸副作用之一,孩子们正在经历更多的压力。根据余处的家庭,cyberbullying has increased by 70% in recent months1likely due to social distancing measures making virtual interactions with peers more common. With that, it’s timely that October isNational Bullying Prevention Month.Now more than ever, students need help.

About Bullying and Cyberbullying

Statistics show that schools and families need to address bullying and support students. In September 2020, Ditch the Label released ”关于欺凌的21个事实,你可能永远不会知道。”2被欺负的人,37%以后发育社交焦虑;36%发达的抑郁症;近25%有自杀思想。被欺负的最重要原因包括外观/外观(59%),兴趣/爱好(46%),服装选择(25%),并且当他们没有(24%)时被称为同性恋/女同性恋。如果他们认为为LGBTQIA +,人们更容易被欺负,是肥胖的,或有身体残疾。在2019年大流行前,26%的人报告了过去一年内经历的云武拉利。在另一个article那Verywell Family stated that in June 2020, 59% of U.S. teens said they have been cyberbullied, and 58% of students stated that “teachers fail to adequately address cyberbullying.”3.


学校和父母可以做些什么来解决讯息症的问题?您是否准备向您的社区带来欺凌意识?作为一家Cengage公司Gale的内容专家,我将我的金宝搏彩票日子巩固信任内容,以帮助教育者和家庭回答这样的问题。我希望以下资源支持您的努力,尽量减少 - 最终消除欺凌。

Stomp Out BullyingTheir motto is “Standing up against hate, racism and discrimination. Changing the culture with inclusion, equality, civility and unity becomes our destiny.” There’s a number of great resources for schools, including10月份整个月份的抗生素活动。不要错过:

PACER’s National Bullying Prevention CenterPacer提供许多优秀的资源来打击欺凌,包括:

  • and educators can access bullying prevention resources, which include educational and awareness toolkits, contest ideas, promotional products, and more.
  • PACER Teens Against Bullying:由青少年创建,这是中高中学生可以找到解决欺凌,采取行动,听取的方法的地方,并拥有一个重要的社会事业。

Gale, a Cengage companyNext month marks my fifth year as an employee of Gale. I see Gale’s dedication to meeting the needs of students and teachers every day. I’m proud to be part of a company that puts learners first, especially in the areas of bullying and cyberbullying. And wherever learning is happening this year, with Gale, students and staff have unlimited, simultaneous access to Gale’s trusted content, with no special downloads or checkouts, making the content easier to use.

学生馆藏Gale eBooksBullying has a significant effect on a student’s mental health. Gale partnered with theCameron K. Gallagher Foundationto createCameron’s Collectionfor middle and high school students andCameron’s Camp for Wellness为小学生。这些系列支持学生的心理健康,为他们提供安全,年龄适当的空间,以便首次探索主题。

  • Helping a Friend Who Is Being Bullied罗森年轻成人,ISBN 9781499464559
    In this book, readers will discover the consequences of bullying, both as a target and a bystander. They’ll also learn ways to intervene in a bullying situation, how to seek adult help, and how to be empowered and recover from bullying.
  • Coping with Social Media AnxietyRosen Young Adult, ISBN 9781508176985
    This book offers a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the concept of social media anxiety. It dispels many widespread myths and replaces them with up-to-date facts.
  • 应对网络束缚Rosen Young Adult, ISBN 9781508173908
    This book explores the alienation and rejection many youth experience from cyberbullying, a form of abuse that takes many forms and is often accompanied by social exclusion, physical abuse, and other dangers.

Gale eBooks: Professional LearningSupport professional learning for teachers and administrators with eBook titles from top publishers, like Corwin Press, ASCD, ISTE, Burgess Consulting Inc., Solution Tree, and more.

  • Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices,Corwin Press, ISBN 9781506335964
    You need to be ready for bullying. This book is organized so you can find the answers to make meaningful changes in the way you prevent and respond to bullying.
  • Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying,科尔维德,ISBN 9781483349916

    Don’t overlook the “Resource A. Cyberbullying Scenarios for Discussion” section on page 227! Set up aPadletto create a discussion thread for each scenario so staff can respond to each thread.
  • 网络欺凌和教育资源预防和干预的关键重要性,Information Science Reference, ISBN 9781522580775

For more information about Gale’s resources, and to find out about special antibullying eBook packages for the month of October 2020,contact your Gale education consultant

1。Sherri Gordon, “Research Shows Rise in Cyberbulling During COVID-19 Pandemic,“十五岁的家庭,2020年8月2日。

2。Ditch the Label, ”关于欺凌的21个事实,你可能永远不会知道,“2020年9月9日。

谢里戈登,“Cyberbullying Surpasses as Most Common Type of Harassment,“十九六月十九日的非常幸存的家庭。


克里斯汀是大风的Eresource课程专家。金宝搏彩票她在教学硕士学位,是密歇根州的一名认证的高中老师。在对课堂技术上的热情专注,她培训了超过8,500名教育工作者,如何将数字资源整合到课程中,并提出了50多个会议。Christine是2018年Macul数字领导奖的收件人,2017年MAME社区协作奖,是2012年和2013年成人教育办公室的聚光灯教师。关注Christine在Twitter上@ K12Christine.or connect onlinkedin.


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