
|通过塔拉Atterberry |1732年,在刚刚22岁,约翰·弗里德里希Shutz抵达宾夕法尼亚独自 - 没有任何家人或朋友 - 来自内卡尔比绍夫斯海姆,德国很长的海上航行后。约翰是我的第6曾祖父,在我爸爸的父亲传宗接代移民到美国的第一个德国祖先,并......Read more

Jack the Ripper: Letters, Theories & Suspects

|通过塔拉布莱尔|亲爱的老板,我不断听到警察抓了我,但他们不会整我只是还没有。当他们看起来那么聪明,说说是在正确的轨道上我也笑了。此致,开膛手杰克在1888年秋,五名妇女在伦敦东部杀害......Read more

Boca Rotan Public Library Offers New Online Resources

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|博卡拉顿公共图书馆目前提供的库持卡人大风小企业生成器,一个在线工具,可以免费使用,引导用户通过建立和开展新业务,与职业网络高中,为居民提供机会赚取所需的金宝搏彩票步骤和决定一个认可的高...Read more

Meeting Author Stephen Mack Jones

|By Traci Cothran, Senior Manager, Content | There’s nothing better than finding a new-to-you author whose books you love. There are a lot of good writers being published today, some not-so-good, and a few really great ones—and I love finding those great ones, where you read everything they’ve written, then impatiently await their next …Read more


|By Julie Mellors, Content Developer, Gale | O Canada! Have you checked out Gale’s Canada In Context database recently? There’s plenty to see. We have added a lot of timely and important new portals that deserve a look. Canada In Context is a database that was created for students and researchers studying Canada, its people, …Read more

Discovering the Black Hole

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|As the first-ever picture of a black hole was unveiled last week, the world reacted with excitement to an image of an orange ring of light, surrounded by the deep, black abyss. Scientist Katie Bouman, a postdoctoral fellow who contributed to the project, instantly became a hero for women in …Read more

The “Best Of” For Students Books: What’s New!

|米歇尔·李,高级内容开发|我们的新的学生“最佳”卷功能上先前已经涵盖了系列作品全新的条目。这些条目,彻底改写和更新,包括所有新的批评和图像,其中包括新的对于学生的特点,如现代化的页面设计。在“最佳”卷...Read more

Rossland Public Library Encourages Access to Gale Courses

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|Whether you’re looking for college-level, professional development, or personal enrichment courses, Rossland Public Library now offers hundreds of online courses through Gale Courses. Gale Courses, a 24/7 learning solution featuring more than 360 instructor-led online courses, focuses on personal growth and professional development. Six-week courses in language learning, accounting, computer …Read more


|By Bennett Graff | In 2017, I became an acquisitions editor for Gale, joining a talented team of editors responsible for the Gale Primary Sources collection of digital archives. For me this was a welcome return as I recalled fondly my earlier tenure over a decade ago as Gale’s lead microfilm editor. During that period, …Read more