
|通过塔拉布莱尔|作为一个长期大风的员工,当我金宝搏彩票抓住了该公司的计划组装数百个礼盒在C.S.莫特儿童医院安阿伯的孩子的话,我并不感到惊讶。这些盒子是一个团队建设过程中充满了工艺品,活动手册,拼图和游戏...Read more


|菲尔·浮士德|全面披露:为大风和我的工作人员已开发产品超过十年。金宝搏彩票该资源库从大风和其他供应商提供的这种背景和意识可能是在这一流行病我最大的优势。金宝搏彩票我是一个谁知道图书馆是很像的人之一......Read more

Open Access to Well-Reviewed Gale Public Health Encyclopedia eBook

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|虽然我们都知道身体健康的重要性,我们可能会觉得那是在那里uncurated健康的信息量轰炸。你怎么知道的信息如果引用是准确的?公共卫生金宝搏彩票大风百科全书(第二版)是对公共健康问题的权威来源。...Read more

Help! What Do I Do with My Preschool-Aged Child?

|By Klaudia Janek, MLIS, School Librarian, International Academy, Bloomfield Hills, MI | Are you feeling overwhelmed with suddenly being thrown into homeschooling and the online learning world? I am! As a high school librarian, most of my days are spent with high school resources and working with high school students on research and finding the …Read more


|林赛热尔韦,数字教育学专家,大风|金宝搏彩票虽然每个人都只是想通过由COVID-19大流行创造了挑战性的条件获取和调整竭尽所能,现在,没有人会希望所有辛勤工作的被扔掉来下跌。本着“让没有很好的危机...Read more

Suddenly Homeschooling?

|斯蒂芬妮巴罗尼,营销总监,K-12 |去年秋天,我的丈夫和我意外地被推入我们的家庭学校二年级的女儿。我们都不是老师。我们俩工作。再加上一个事实,即她有注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)和焦虑,你可以说我们是...Read more

Instructional Strategies for a Successful Online Course

|林赛热尔韦,数字教育学专家,大风|金宝搏彩票开发一个在线课程是一项艰巨的任务,更不用说通过过渡学期中途网上。它也可以令人沮丧知道你去除与学生面对面的面对面的互动。如果你散发出一种特殊的人格或音调他们对熟悉这一点尤其重要...Read more

Expanding Our Worldview of LGBTQ Society

Archives of Sexuality and Gender: International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture | By Phil Virta | International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture is made up of three unique archival collections, casting a spotlight on LGBTQ society and experiences, cultural history, and activism in southern Africa and Australia, and presenting lesbian organizational groups and …Read more