
一个厕所k at a current news item through the lens of different Gale electronic resources.

由Michelle Eickmeyer

Here we go – it’s Friday the 13th! Long held to be back luck, Friday the 13th has the dubious distinction of being a problem. But are you superstitious? And is everyone superstitious in the same way?


In Other News: Groundhog Day

一个厕所k at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

由Michelle Eickmeyer

这个星期,我听到试图解释给别人在墨西哥,谁是关星期一联邦假日,我们在周一的“假日”是不太一样的东西各显神通。是啊。号从外面看,这似乎应该是最可笑的事情,我们美国人还没有做一个。(我会告诉你的东西,作为一个美国人,我不会有太多和你争论这个问题。)在2月的第一个星期一,啮齿动物预测天气。它是由新闻覆盖。普克苏托尼[朋克-Suh-nee] Phil, the most major of the rodent forecasters, rules from a rather comfy perch in Pennsylvania. There are other groundhogs, includingthisone in Wisconsin who bit the mayor (who is fine, so it’s ok to laugh at it). The principle is simple: if the ground hog does not see its shadow, spring will come early. If it does, winter continues for six more weeks. Practically, its a lot more ‘show’ than that. I also find it interesting that you never hear reports of a groundhog forecast in the south or west — is Groundhog Day a northern/eastern observance only? (Any comments on that welcome!)

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