


By Michelle Eickmeyer

This week, I heard recount of trying to explain to someone in Mexico, who was off Monday for a federal holiday, that our “holiday” on Monday was not quite the same thing. Yeah. No. From the outside looking in, this must seem one of the most ridiculous things we Americans have done yet. (I’ll let you in on something, as an American, I wouldn’t have much to argue with you about that.) On the first Monday of February, a rodent predicts the weather. It’s covered by the news. Punxsutawney [punk-s-taw-nee]菲尔,最大的啮齿动物预测的,从宾夕法尼亚州一个相当舒适的栖息规则。还有其他的土拨鼠,包括这个一个在威斯康星州谁位市长(谁是很好,所以这是确定它笑)。原理很简单:如果土拨鼠没有看到它的身影,春天将提前到来。如果是这样,冬天持续六个星期。实际上,它多了很多“秀”不止于此。我也觉得有趣的是,你永远不会听到在南部或西部土拨鼠预测报告 - 是土拨鼠日只有北部/东部遵守?(上欢迎任何评论!)

事情的真相是...。冬季漫长而枯燥的。虽然二月是最短的月份,这是当冬天真正开始采取收费,并拖累。还有一个暴风雪警告。还有一个取消学校的一天。还有一个零度以下的预测。随机,令人惊讶的,温暖如春的一天,你将在三月看似乎仍然遥遥无期。在越野的客场之旅的比喻,我们已经达到了内布拉斯加州和我们不安的(对不起,内布拉斯加州,但你是在中间)。二月的第一个星期一是,或多或少,春天的第一天,前6个星期。从技术上讲,我们将alwayshave six more weeks of winter regardless of what the groundhog says. The hope, however, is palpable. We HOPE for an early spring. Please, please, please, come early! Signed, Miserable in Michigan.

Here are five titles that look at Groundhog Day from different perspectives:


The 1993 movie with Bill Murray will (most likely) immediately spring to mind when you think of Groundhog’s Day. A weatherman, doomed to repeat the day over and over until he ‘gets it right,’ the move takes its name from the day, naturally, and the colloquialism relating Groundhog Day to a feeling of déjà vu. The latter idea is also part of eight other films. Learn more about each of them in this fun reference title.



Gale Encyclopedia of Science, 5th Edition. Gale, 2014.


Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, 1st Edition. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2010.

Harmless or harmful? Is transplanting a wild animal into captivity, no matter how “nice,” appropriate? Learn a bit about the factors and arguments of the animal rights movement and its supporters.

Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary, 4th Edition. Omnigraphics, Inc, 2010.


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