Cornell Professor and Librarian Collaborate to Contribute to Gale Researcher

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金宝搏彩票盖尔曾与英国凯特Stavreva的康奈尔大学教授合作,策划介绍英国文学内容Gale Researcher。In an article康奈尔大学的新闻中心Stavreva describes the challenge of mapping out foundational content for the British Literature module,“这是个不小的挑战,因为该领域不仅是动态的,但也有许多思想和理论参与决定谁和什么可以在它基础。”

Stavreva还与她的同事康奈尔大学创建的内容Gale Researcher。康奈尔中心的教学和咨询馆员詹妮弗劳斯的临时主任促成与散文集“文学研究过程。”在最近的一篇文章康奈尔大学新闻中心goes into more detail about Gale Researcher and Stavreva’s contributions.

文章总结Gale Researcher,


在Stavreva的捐款Gale Researcher,

first series edited by Stavreva, “Major Authors and Movements in British Literature,” charts the multilingual and multicultural strands in the history of British literature—from its oral origins in Anglo-Saxon and Celtic elegiac and heroic poetry to the contemplative, politically engaged, multivoiced, and multimedia literature of the twenty-first century.

Her second series, “Major Genres, Forms, and Media in British Literature,” begins with a consideration of the openness of British literature in terms of languages, regional, national, and racial identity. It ends by foregrounding the openness and malleability of approaches to literary research and critical writing.

To learn more about howGale Researchercan help students develop critical thinking and research skills
