Lake County Public Library Uses Data to Take Action

1min read

| By Gale Staff |

作为印第安纳州的第三大图书馆,湖郡公共图书馆有大约一百万顾客的四分之一。英格丽·诺里斯,董事兼CEO,已经与1977年以来的图书馆系统和五年的代理主任。她致力于在她的节目库提供越来越多地参与。为了支持她的使命,诺里斯使用数字资源喜欢Gale Analytics了解顾客如何与内容搭配其独特兴趣的节目互动。

image of the following quote: “We discovered that patrons were traveling from branch to branch based on the programs offered. Using Gale Analytics, we were able to figure out why that might be and take action on it.”

Download their success storyto see howGale Analyticshelped Lake County Public Library increase program attendance and prove the library’s value to the community.
