
By Tara Blair

This work week was unlike any other. I eagerly awaited Thursday—yes, I said Thursday—for a day that otherwise only existed in my dreams. It was the day that Gale celebrated Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWD), where staff members were invited to bring their best friend to the office. As I walked into Gale with my employee badge and my Australian Cattle Dog, I couldn’t help but think, “does this day offer any substantial benefits, or is it just pure amusement?”

一小部分研究量之后,我发现,doggonegood time isn’t the only reward to sharing a cubicle with your four-legged companion.

Sit, stay….and read about all the perks of TYDTWD and check out some photos from Gale’s dog day.

Read more工作像狗

If You’ve Got your Health….


注意馆员:if you have this title, you may want to share this blog post with your patrons. (Be sure to link it to your GVRL collection.) And if you want to learn more about this title,访问免费试用!

Help patrons maintain good health, with essential information about nutrition, exercise, mental health, and even medical insurance.

Live long and prosper: Health information for you
如果你有兴趣的健康信息,你并不孤单。2008年,健康新闻在国内新闻第8大主题,包括所有覆盖的3.6%,根据皮尤研究中心– more than three times the amount of coverage for education or transportation. Whether it’s learning more about healthy eating option, good exercise programs, maintaining or pursuing good mental health, and evaluating medical insurance programs – the demand for trustworthy information is great.

Resources for the health conscious or those who strive to be
To support your interest in reliable health information, now the library provides free access to a great resource:Life & Career Skills: Health & Wellness.

Read moreIf You’ve Got your Health….