The CRISPR Method of Editing Genes

3min read

|通过崔西Cothran |

It was big news this week when scientist He Jiankui announced at the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing that he’d “CRISPR’d” genes in embryos of twin girls. He claims he edited their genes to make them resistant to HIV, which their father contracted. While He said he was proud of this work, other scientists were not so enthusiastic, raising a host of questions including ethical challenges of “irresponsible experimentation” as well as practical queries, while citing his lack of transparency, too. He’s university, Southern University of Science and Technology in China, has opened an investigation.

CRISPR – the gene-editing technique – makes the news nearly every week, and the issues and debate surrounding its use will only intensify. While scientifically fascinating, altering genes for different purposes creates ethical conundrums, with potentially wide-spread implications. If you edit a gene of an embryo and it causes unforeseen complications for that person later in life, who is responsible? What is an acceptable use for such editing, and what is not? Who makes these ethical and moral decisions? These questions are not relegated to the area of science, as their answers potentially impact everyone on the planet, so it’s important to be up-to-date and informed on this subject.

There’s a lot to unpack, and fortunately, there are Gale resources to help! Gale’s new eBook,遗传学(第二版),可能是你的指导,并与有关这个主题的信息文本,以及那些与它一起,还设有一个1-minute video在CRISPR快速学习。

Science In Context还提供了丰富的信息:

While you’re inScience In Context, you can listen to NPR’s reporting from just days ago,中国科学家说,他创建了第一个转基因婴儿,和阅读所有关于这个主题的文章华盛顿邮报,The peril and promise of gene editingScientist’s claim of gene-edited babies creates uproar.


So whether you’re a layperson interested in the implications of the use of CRISPR, or science student looking for a deep dive into the topic, Gale has the facts you need to keep informed!

崔西J. Cothran

Meet the Author

Traci Cothran is a manager in Gale’s Database Program and a history buff, so she can often be found watching videos from the early 1900s in Gale’s世界历史融会贯通。
