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What is Midlist?


Why Offer More Than Bestsellers?


  • Library collections have a broad mix of genres from romance, mystery, and science fiction, to all the sub-genres of nonfiction. Your collections also need a broad mix of authors: bestselling, midlist and debut novelists.
  • 有这么一个发达的midlist使您能够满足所有读者的需求,任何时候很多畅销书作家,一年只有一次发布。
  • Bestsellers tend to have long waiting lists; a broad selection of midlist titles means more books on the shelves for your patrons to choose from.
  • Many patrons prefer to read midlist or debuts over bestsellers because they are looking for something new or non-formulaic.
  • Many midlist titles are series driven — your patrons can find a new favorite protagonist and follow the whole series.

“Any good RA librarian will tell you that the midlist is extremely important to readers. After all, when the bestseller books have 20 holds on them, librarians rely on great midlist titles to hand-sell to their patrons.”

— Rebecca Vnuk, editor,Booklist

Readers’ Advisory: Show Off and Shine!

Librarians help create readers. Recognize the advantage you have by recommending new gems to your patrons that they never even knew existed. Your patrons expect you to know about older titles. Your readers know about current bestsellers. Suggest current midlist titles and you will gain their attention.

Meet Reader Demands!


  • 阿娇弗林的突破小说,飘女孩,是她的第三本小说。
  • All the Light We Cannot See was Anthony Doerr’s fifth book.

由于具有发达的midlist集合,可以避开那些真正的失误 - 你从来没有听说过,也没有获得标题或作者。满足你的读者就变成了高要求读取之前的需求。

Thorndike Press has an experienced editorial staff working to make your collection development easy, and the expertise of your peers to help in your readers’ advisory roles.Contact us today for the hottest midlist titles >>
