It’s Always Been The Library

3min read


Had someone from the future told me I would one day work in libraries…I would have not been too surprised! As a child, I visited the Fairfield Public Library (CT) children’s department and loved their wooden climb-thru cubbies and the bright tiny furniture almost as much as I loved borrowing a new story book. I tried my best to memorize the words and pictures knowing the book would not be mine for long. What an impression it made, taking my book to the big desk and seeing the ladies stamp with gusto, giving me looks over the counter top that wordlessly conveyed the message: “take care of this book and you can come back for more”. As a tween, I continued to visit the Fairfield Public Library; I walked from Tomlinson Middle School every Friday after school with my best friend to study. Instead of studying, we tried our best to suppress our endless chatter and tweenage “joie de vivre” with our undone homework spread out on a carrel. I used a copy machine for the first time, and shyly asked a librarian to show me how to use the card catalog. I checked out every Stephen King and Danielle Steele book I could find. Twice.
毕业后,我搬到杰克逊维尔,并申请与杰克逊维尔公共图书馆的主要分公司办理成人教育部门工作的中心。我被录用了,但只是兼职,等等,以帮助使两个半工作整体,我发现在馆际互借部门主要图书馆内的其他兼职页作业。内的主要工作的几个星期,我在图书馆工作大呼过瘾。我崇拜的建设,集合,系统,壁龛。有项目和方式参与,从字面上看,周围的每一个角落我转身。它没有多久就意识到,如果我真的想工作的书桌和在幕后,我需要一个硕士学位。我申请FSU的远程学习计划,同时为见习馆员在不同JPL分公司工作。这样一来,我可以赚我的硕士学位,同时尝试了几乎所有的工作职责可能。参考,保监会,青少年节目,工资单,送单,书箱,货架,和。我能够担任喷气推进实验室内和在国家一级委员会,才得以参加专业图书馆会议,培训,领导力课程,你的名字,JPL给了我一个机会去尝试的帽子。 I happily worked with JPL for 5 years before I earned a K-12 Media Specialist certification and took a job with a private high school in Jacksonville, where I currently run our freshly remodeled Learning Commons (formerly Media Center). The students are hard workers, but they still chatter endlessly over their homework (which is now accessed and completed on iPads)!
金宝搏彩票大风,作为终身库的用户和员工,请考虑捐赠不是1 $,但代表我的每一个图书馆的捐赠$ 4;费尔菲尔德公共图书馆(,佛罗里达州立大学图书馆(,杰克逊维尔公共图书馆(和主教肯尼高中学习共享(。他们每人都为我提供了已经塑造了我的个人生活和职业生涯变得更好唯一和终身图书馆的经验。
