


In our last post,we illustrated the problem of having products with different experiences and how the UX team started the conversation towards fixing that problem. Our solution was to create a comprehensive design system for all Gale products to follow. Now, we move on in Part 2 to how we created our design system. In particular, we’ll look at the tools we used to build it, how it’s impacted our design, and provide a preview of the design system itself.

Selecting the right tool for the job





Vector-scalable images allow us to create graphics and icons at one size and easily re-scale them without losing quality. These images can be used in place of standard image formats like PNG or JPEG which don’t scale well. The benefit is that we create the images once and then the developers can make it any size or color they need through code.


图书馆是也许在草图创建一个设计系统的目的是最有价值的功能。在素描,设计人员可以创建一个UI组件 - 比方说,一个按钮 - 然后将其标记为一个符号。这产生,然后可以放置在设计原型的按钮的主副本。真正神奇的是,如果按钮样式的变化,只需要在主副本进行更新,然后将这些变化自动出现在所有的实体模型的。有了这些可重用的组件,该团队UX可以打造出这都可以从一个地方更新UI组件的完整库。这意味着我们不必做字体或颜色变化随时更改每一个按钮,并为我们节省了很多额外的工作。






At first, we ran small experiments with simple components like buttons and lists in a test environment. After developing a better understanding of how React fit into our codebase, we incorporated five React components into live product. One of the main benefits of React that became immediately apparent was the ability to separate our presentation layer (HTML & CSS) from our logic layer (JavaScript). React made these changes efficient and allowed for easy reuse of design components.


  1. 开发者在交换该组件的设计系统代码
  2. 如果代码是不存在的,开发人员构建匹配设计的组件
  3. 如果组件不是设计系统的一部分,然而,UX团队设计的组件的开发者实现


After so much discussion of why and how we have built a design system, it’s time for a preview of what we’ve made so far. We will share screenshots from our files showing some examples of buttons, form controls, and icons that illustrate different types of content found in our products. The images shown here make up some of the components that we designed and tested in early development phases.

Keeping Momentum

该设计系统现在是一个活件我们的设计和开发过程中。我们将继续扩大双方在我们设计系统的碎片,让他们在产品中实现。虽然UX团队领导的努力,entireorganization makes it possible. Our system has been in use for the past six months and it’s already become part of everyday development. It’s taken a lot of time and effort, but the benefits are already clear and the vision of what lies ahead is even better.

下一站:In Part III, the UX team will give a complete overview of the design system as it stands now, focusing on the reasoning behind our designs and how they benefit the user.

Meet Our UX Team


Gabe is the newest addition to the UX team. He has done a lot of research and design work on concept products as well as existing Gale archives that are part of an upcoming migration project. In his spare time, Gabe likes to cycle and go camping around Michigan’s Great Lakes.

杰米Smylnycky |UI开发

杰米是一个设计者 - 开发混合动力车。因为她的视觉设计的眼睛和她的HTML和CSS的指挥,杰米是大风产品用户界面的主要开发者。金宝搏彩票在闲暇时间,杰米创建和出售自己的作品。她也是一个狂热的游戏玩家。

凯尔·斯图尔特|Senior UX Researcher

Kyle is a veteran Gale employee and leads UX research at the company. In addition to his research efforts, Kyle has pioneered Gale’s accessibility initiatives to ensure our products are WCAG-compliant. In his spare time, Kyle enjoys reading and playing card games.

Thomas Piggott |资深设计师UX


