


一个女孩用滴管挤有色水到咖啡过滤器。她在练习她的钳形抓握时,她开始写这将是有益的。“艾娃”还建设了科学推理的能力,看黄水变成白色的过滤器很浅的黄色,然后看着滤波器转微红的另一部分 - 惊喜!- 看到其中的两种颜色渗入对方变成橘红色的区域。艾娃的母亲在附近徘徊,确保艾娃不转储在地板上颜色的水,并帮助她通过把管道清洁剂在中间打开一个已经彩色滤光片成蝶。

Other kids are matching painted clothes pins to corresponding paint chips from the paint store. These children are learning to match and compare, honing their powers of observation as they differentiate between cerulean blue, azure and blueberry.

最流行的表有沙箱个塑料桶内装满沙子。使用普通的厨房用具像铲,过滤器和长柄勺,孩子们挖画面食,按钮和埋在沙其他的惊喜。儿童使用的解决问题的能力:我怎么能分开周围的沙色的意大利面?哪些工具最好的工作来完成这个任务?哇 - 沙子的淋浴从漏勺下雨下来是肯定爽!

Nearby, a boy and his father are arranging smooth black rocks into animal shapes. “Carlos” carefully stacks the rocks on top of each other. It’s difficult when they’re all funny shapes and sizes and don’t stack neatly like wooden blocks.

Debra Winslow, one of the library’s Youth Program Specialists, is moving from station to station, talking to the parents about the skills their children are developing, making sure that the parents give their children a wide enough berth to explore, and asking questions to help spur curiosity and imagination. She makes sure that the parents and caregivers don’t emphasize outcomes too much. It’s not important whether the rocks really look like an animal or the coffee filter turns into a perfect butterfly. “It’s the process that’s important, not the end result,” she explains.


在过去的几十年,图书馆员和埃杜cators have understood the importance of parent involvement in storytime to help their children develop pre-literacy skills. In the year 2000, the Public Library Association (PLA) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development partnered to conduct research on early literacy. Out of this effort came the Every Child Ready to Read initiative, which provided an evidenced-based approach to supporting early literacy practices by involving parents. The PLA and Association of Library Services to Children selected pilot libraries to implement the new approach and have supported training and research on its efficacy ever since (

When it was first developed, Every Child Ready to Read represented a departure for many public libraries. “For many decades, parents were not encouraged to attend story hour, as a way for children to develop the independence needed to attend school. Parent engagement programs such as Every Child Ready to Read, however, take a different tack: Librarians can be more influential in a child’s life by teaching the parent how to engage with the child in ways that will foster early literacy” (Celano and Neuman 2015). Libraries have a unique role to play in children’s learning because, unlike child care centers or schools, the staff at libraries have as much time to interact with parents and caregivers as they do children, since the children most often are accompanied in the library by their parents and caregivers.

OCLS’ SMART Start programs, for toddlers and preschoolers ages 2-4, use the same evidence-based approach to create parent engagement in early STEAM programs. Developed by Debra Winslow, SMART Start is built around the philosophy that parents are the child’s first teachers. Library staff facilitate the learning process by creating stations that allow children and caregivers to test out different experiences.







切拉诺,唐娜C.,和苏珊·B·纽曼。“图书馆正在成为领导者在父母参与:家长们发现,图书馆提供的机会与孩子玩耍和学习如何提高他们的阅读。”Phi三角洲Kappan,vol. 96, no. 7, 2015, p. 30.


