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As a senior content developer at Gale, my goal is to bring people information not only to meet their needs but to spark curiosity and encourage further investigation and learning. In recent years, the challenge has expanded to building international coverage, appealing to a global audience, and aligning content with topics studied at the collegiate level.

后者的野心绑在教育的发展趋势,从国际文凭学校增加了近40%,比过去五年1全球研究程度的增长programs, ranging from associate to doctoral levels. Common links among these curricula are an interdisciplinary approach, a focus on global issues, and the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness. For instance, at the University of California, Berkeley, a learning goal of its Global Studies program is “apply[ing] an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary global issues,” while the College of William & Mary notes that students will explore “the ways in which global forces are realized in and through local contexts, and the interconnections between global regions.”


The aforementioned factors figured prominently in the development of Gale’s newest academic series,在整个地球的法律问题,which showcases the diversity of legal approaches to issues making headlines worldwide. Each of the six chapters in Volume One is devoted to a single topic and presents twelve country essays examining how the nation’s history and culture have influenced legislative and judicial actions on the matter.

To firmly establish global coverage, editor Thomas Riggs and his ten advisors (themselves hailing from ten different countries) selected timely issues and in every chapter included at least one representative country from each of the following regions:

  • Eastern and Central Asia
  • South Asia
  • 大洋洲
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • 欧洲,包括俄罗斯
  • 中美洲和南美洲,包括加勒比
  • 美国和加拿大

As a result, Volume One of在整个地球的法律问题拥有上五十种不同的国家和项目,因为项目进行加权平均,没有任何一个观点或国家给予优先。散文介绍,历史和文化背景,立法,结果和趋势,并共同结构书目,提供了比较和分析多层机会。

A challenge in creating such content is assembling the group of international contributors to select, create, and review the work for accuracy. The following infographic depicts the countries in which the volume’s contributors work (with the caveat that some, including several listed in the United States, are natives of other countries):查看资料图

大多数学术贡献者到金宝搏彩票在整个地球的法律问题是法学教授,但在社会学,由入口话题保证主编托马斯·里格斯和他的员工寻求其他学科,包括通信,刑事司法,政治学,和专家。金宝搏彩票该章涵盖都是有争议的,有新闻价值的问题,包括警察不当行为,政策走向refugees, and the legal status of大麻。此外,主题提供教官多种方式注入全球内容到他们的课程。

例如,包括在卷一对章国随笔same-sex relationships—on Argentina, Canada, China, Ghana, India, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, and the United States—could serve as supporting material for the course Gender and Sexuality in World Civilizations, which is offered as part of the University of Chicago’s Global Studies program.2


And Stanford Law School students signing up for the class Free Speech in the Age of the Internet4could prepare by reading theinternet freedom of speech在第一章法律问题在世界各地,它探讨了中国,古巴,斐济,芬兰,法国,德国,约旦,俄罗斯,斯里兰卡,乌干达,美国和委内瑞拉的话题。

通过突出的方法的多样性同样的问题,在整个地球的法律问题offers students the opportunity to expand their horizons and challenge their assumptions. And with entries that provide a window into a range of world cultures,在整个地球的法律问题能够帮助促进全球的角度来看。




Mary Ruby is a senior content developer at Gale. Her favorite way of fostering her own global perspective is through international travel, but she most often works on it by following current events and reading.

