Gale’s Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Must-Have Source on Immigrant History


| By Tara Atterberry |

John Harrower, a Scottish businessman, was forced to leave his home and family in December 1773 in search of a more stable means of employment. He traveled across Europe for more than six weeks but was not able to secure employment and was desperate for work. As a last resort, he signed an indentured servant contract and boarded a ship with other indentured servants, to travel from London to Virginia in 1774, where he served as a tutor to Colonel William Daingerfield’s children and the children of other Virginia planters. John Harrower is one of more than 200 indentured servants who will be profiled in the upcoming 2020 edition of Gale’sPassenger and Immigration Lists Index.



在纸面上,这种安排是理想的双方。然而,在现实中,契约佣工的生活是艰难和困苦天生充满。如果他们能够生存海上艰苦的旅程,他们经常从繁重的压迫感工作日程,住房不足和不卫生的遭遇,而且,即使对那些公务员,其主人是体面和人道,营养不良和疾病。事实上,据估计,几乎有一半在美洲殖民地的所有契约仆人的17时century may have died by the end of their second year in the New World. While many desperate immigrants undoubtedly saw indentured servitude as their ticket to a better life in the New World, the stark realities of the daily life—an ocean away from their families, friends, and everything they had ever known—must have been, at the very least, sobering.

这是第一次,这个版本的Passenger and Immigration Lists Indexwill include the occupations of those who came to North America, including more than 200 European immigrants, like John Harrower, who claimed indentured servitude as their occupation in immigration documents.

Just like solving a puzzle starts with the first puzzle piece, solving the mystery of a family’s history starts with one great source.Passenger and Immigration Lists Index是的家谱信息这些伟大的来源之一,提供超过10万个移民的轮廓来自超过70个国家,在2020年版,可在2019年12月,由40多个历史出版物,入籍记录,政府文件,船舶舱单来源和其它晦涩历史来源。

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index是公众,学术和专业图书馆必备的产品;金宝搏彩票研究中心;或维持历史家谱特藏或服务感兴趣的家谱和家族历史研究人口的任何组织。它的目的Passenger and Immigration Lists Indexto lead you to the sources that will unravel some of the mysteries surrounding this fascinating group of people, particularly as they relate to individual family histories.

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index,2020 edition,在打印和许可格式2019年12月可用。Reach out to your Gale sales consultant today >>



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