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2016年夏天,贝基科尔曼和洛瑞沃伦与史蒂夫希克斯,大风客户成功经理和托尼Bottrell,Gale Usage Services Manager,为汉密尔顿县学金宝搏彩票校提供HCDE区图书馆网站和70个个人学校网站。这些网站是用巨大的页面创建的,该网站是在K-12学校提供的内容管理金宝搏彩票系统。

Together with the library leadership team, they organized the TEL resources (databases, websites, and eBook collections) by age levels. Each elementary, middle, and high school library website includes educational resources for students, teachers, parents, and caregivers. You can view their district website beginning on the Elementary Page athttp://www.金宝搏彩票galepages.com/tel_k_hcde/elementary.. Gale Pages allow each school to feature the great Gale resources available through the Tennessee Electronic Library Collection alongside state, national and non-profit educational websites. It’s a great set of resources for teachers, parents and the community.

图书馆领导团队,Becky Coleman,John Maynard,Debbie Condry,Cristol Kapp,Ann Rox和Lori Warren,希望这些资源将被分享并被接受作为Chattanooga 2.0主动的一部分,以使我们的学校系统成为最好的全国性。

Special thanks goes to TEL for making these resources available for our Tennessee residents of all ages. A sincere thanks goes to both the TEL Administrator, Erin Loree for training and support opportunities and the Gale Customer Support Team: Maggie Waligora, Elisabeth Kopy, Steve Hicks and Tony Bottrell who embraced this project and made it happen.

Ready to give your users a unique website tailored to their resources? Visit the金宝搏彩票巨大的页面网站to get started!


Lori Warren是Chattanooga国家社区学院图书馆的营销和外展协调员。作为图书馆营销和外展的协调员,她创建,协调和管理图书馆的营销和外展努力,以支持学院的计划和图书馆的服务和使命。作为主题图书管理员教育专业和代理图书管理员在校园中的两所高中,她教导了使用电话和峡谷资源的研究和图书馆技能。金宝搏彩票

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