
4min read

一个厕所k at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

由Michelle Eickmeyer

First, apologies for the break. I was taken down by spring allergies/my annual sinus infection, then having a great time with many of you at ACRL, then recovering from both of those things. But back at it! Last year at this time, I wrote about the大师. If that had not happened, today’s post would feature a clip of Jack, easily sinking his predicted hole in one. Man, he’s good. Or I could have written about the horrible tornadoes which struck Illinois last night. But I had already done太。找到一个研究课题可以是艰难的,特别是当采取一切显而易见的选择。(听起来有点熟?)

今天,我选择了莎拉·托马斯写;有关于这个故事这么多伟大的事情。莎拉是一个有点线索,西装外套在舞台上“足球的女孩”。她是REF A大10场比赛的第一个女人,先REF大学碗比赛,现在,第一个被聘为NFL全职裁判。() I also appreciate that Raven’s coach John Harbaugh has already voiced confirmation of her qualifications and did not say anything resembling “for a woman”. (Full disclosure – while not a Raven’s fan per se, I was already a huge John Harbaugh fan.) I’m hopeful this will help stave off some of the ridiculous comments the NBA has been suffering through.



Thisarticle亮点东西,所以非常令人沮丧我还在犹豫要包含它。不是因为它的不完全合适,或者因​​为我无法找到配套材料,而是因为我怕我会下车上切线,破坏我的整个后用“还有一件事!”。因此,让我们不这样做,那么。标题说明了一切:有更多的人名为约翰·比运行大公司的女性。现在,这只是一个美国问题吗?号(有趣的是,约翰和大卫也导致更多的UK, but Peter’ take it in Australia. And by a lot. Everywhere.) As a woman, its frustrating. As a living, breathing, contributing member of society, it’s embarrassing and, quite frankly, stupid. (See aforementioned fear of tangent.) With sections on understanding the gender gap and women in the workplace among its 1000 entries, readers can find some context on the role of women at work.

Feminist Criticism and Social Change (RLE Feminist Theory): Sex, class and race in literature and culture, 1st Edition. Routledge, Chapman & Hall LTD, 2013.


Encyclopedia Of Gender In Media, 1st Edition. Sage Publications, 2012.

To be perfectly clear – the media is fair, and is not fair, to just about everyone, in different and equally frustrating ways. The astronaut who is asked about her hair. The new father who is not asked about balancing family and work. The ball-busting female CEO before congress. The would-be senator who cried during his concession speech. Why are there so few women heading fashion companies and how have they made headway in the technology and food industries? Why do I assume those situations are weird? Explore how media can help shape “what normal looks like” in this interesting title.


我第一次介绍选举权的概念是(那种疯狂的)的Mary Poppins的母亲,和她的“摆脱束缚!”歌曲。作为一个成年人,我知道这个故事也更加丰富了,时间越长,也许更难过。这个标题的用户会发现,上世纪60年代,包括历史和当代事件,个人叙述的这个妇女解放运动的一个更完整的会计,多与这个称号。188金宝搏北京赛车


Sally Ride. Nancy Pelosi. Danica Patrick. (Harriet Hunt. Babe. Zaharias. Katherine Graham. Claressa Shields. Mary Barra. Mo’ne Davis. Sarah Thomas.) Each of these remarkable women did something for the first time. Whether it was rocketing into outer space, playing professional golf, or running a Fortune 500 company, these remarkable ladies were the first to do it. Focusing on women’s status from 2000, this a-to-z reference provides insight into women, women’s issues, and more within the contemporary world.



Michelle is an “anytime!” traveler and language enthusiast. She has degrees in talking from Central Michigan and Michigan State University. She is currently becoming a runner and used to play golf in high school.

