Keep Students Exploring with Gale In Context: Elementary


|通过Gintas Bradunas |




“我想知道为什么 。。“。

As a former teacher, I relate all too well to this familiar scene. In my case, it was the “I wonder . . .” questions that would cause the most significant challenge. All too often they went unanswered, or at best, they were answered with short, incomplete responses. Without reliable resources to direct students to, I found myself answering everyone’s questions directly rather than empowering students to find the answers themselves.

探究式学习是教育的黄金标准。It’s an approach that (1) puts the student at the center; (2) encourages them to seek answers; and (3) empowers them to create, discuss, and reflect in a way that builds a love of learning. But as any teacher knows, it’s easier said than done.

That’s why the right resources can make all the difference.

For teachers working to create authentic, inquiry-based learning experiences, it’s essential to use tools specifically built for the needs of students and educators. When I was a teacher, not having access to reliable resources created an uphill battle. My students found sites difficult to navigate, causing them to join in a common refrain:“这太难了,Bradunas先生!”我会看我的学生的目光呆滞,并能感觉到,而不是鼓励好奇心,我的做法是排它拿走。

现在,在我目前的角色,我帮助开发的产品,我以前的老师自己会一直喜爱。在过去的一年中,我很幸运地工作,对近期推出金宝搏彩票大风在上下文:小学(an enhanced version of儿童InfoBits), a content repository that empowers inquiry-based learning. Our main goal was to refine students’ approaches to inquiry by adding features and tools that make it easy for them to use. In this, our team implemented one element especially well: staying on the child’s level. For example,初级旋转“我不知道......”的提示on the home page. These questions are linked directly to curated resources for students to explore, encouraging curiosity and keeping frustration at bay.

此外,我们增加了专门针对谁是刚刚开始发展研究技能小学生创建的内容。金宝搏彩票大风在上下文:小学includes new数百快速的事实专题页面主题摘要, 而且当然,数以千计的资源从儿童友好的出版商绘制。All of these features come together to create a resource that teachers can depend on and feel comfortable recommending to students.

作为第一年的教师,我的一位导师给我介绍了一个老师版的希波克拉底誓言的:“不管是什么,不要做任何事情,这将使你的学生停止提问和探讨的问题。”金宝搏彩票大风在上下文:小学helps teachers keep that promise.



k - 12产品经理在盖尔,Gintas Bradunas金宝搏彩票works to leverage his past experiences as a middle school teacher and Teach For America corps member to help make products that students and educators will love. He’s an avid reader, lover of podcasts, and a believer that everything can be made better with a cup of coffee.

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