Escapism & Destiny

By Lynette M.



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Having a love for reading my whole life, and two years experience as an elementary school language arts teacher, I was excited to return to my Alma mater as the new K-12 librarian. My first year, there, I was assigned a junior as a student aide.




By Martha V. I started working part-time in a very small (one-person) public library when my children were small. I hadn’t finished an even two-year college degree but the library didn’t require a degree. I loved working in the library, teaching people of all ages about the library and learning something new every day myself. …阅读更多

Libraries Forever……

By Nann T.

只是因为今天的易怒的发展并不意味着库是变得无关紧要......在历史记录。看... .Libraries已经持续了几个世纪以来存在由于自己的需要...... .the需要的人来研究和阅读,收集和写的......他们的生活的反映,事件... .The想法,库将被削弱是荒谬的......像并排188金宝搏北京赛车的微波炉和灶台...... .Exist侧,所有的采集点的那个男人认为是必要的。

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Sacred Space

By Cyn D.


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Integrating Library Resources into the College Classroom

By Alice Eng

[alert-info]Recently, we issued a challenge to all those who planned to attend the Charleston Conference this November. Answer a question in 1,000 to 1,500 words, and when a travel scholarship to attend the 2014 conference. While, we received many thoughtful responses, our far-and-above favorite came from Alice Eng, Electronic Resources Librarian at the University of North Florida. This is her winning essay in response to our question: “What is the best way for library resources to be integrated into the university or college curriculum, and how, in your opinion, could this be achieved?”[/alert-info]

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