

|菲尔Virta |


以赛亚 - 托马斯。WHO?他不是一个篮球运动员?不,以赛亚 - 托马斯(1749年至1831年)的打印机,出版商和爱国者;他是自由的儿子与这样知名之士约翰汉考克,山姆·亚当斯和保罗·里维尔的成员。他在列克星敦和康科德的战役作为民兵作战,并公布了马萨诸塞州的间谍,以支持美国革命的一纸“向所有缔约方开放,但没有影响”。该报坚决支持从英国统治下的自由,挑起了英国的不满,并导致从皇家州长托马斯·哈钦森的订单起诉以赛亚 - 托马斯恶意诽谤于1771年;扰流警报:一个大陪审团拒绝起诉托马斯和他继续发表攻击保守党和支持革命。一托马斯的报价是,这一天很有关系:“但是,令我非常失望,我很快就发现,人们不要的措施推断出,他们从来没有理由自己变成。


Wait a minute, what does this have to do with the American Antiquarian Society? Isaiah Thomas originally published the Massachusetts Spy in Boston, but upon learning that British authorities were planning to move against him, he left Boston in the dead of night with his family and printing press to set up shop in Worcester. This is where the story of the American Antiquarian Society begins.

Following the war, Thomas became one of America’s most successful book publishers. His publishing house produced dictionaries, bibles, children’s books, educational works, magazines, collections of statutes and so much more. Thomas’ lifelong passion was books and printing. To that end, he acquired a vast library of books and newspapers in order to publish his History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers (1810). In 1812, Thomas founded the American Society of Antiquaries, now known as the American Antiquarian Society, to house his extensive library of books, newspapers and ephemera, and to be a learned society and national institution dedicated to preserving the written record of the United States. Thomas’s grandson B. F. Thomas noted the reasoning behind his grandfather’s founding of the American Antiquarian Society. “He saw and understood, no man better, from what infinitely varied and minute sources the history of a nation’s life was to be drawn; that the only safe rule was to gather up all the fragments so that nothing be lost.”



Now that we know the history, let us look at the partnership between the American Antiquarian Society and Gale. The fruits of this cooperative venture can be seen in美国历史期刊,6系列,独特的,新的数字化主要来源期刊内容的存档。金宝搏彩票盖尔的美国历史期刊,6系列provides all newly digitized material, bringing the previously published1-5系列more firmly into the 20世纪以来,随着职称运行了长达1923年的集合包含了近200种,通过现代的眼睛审视美国的思想,文化和生活提供多样化的主要原料。它包括不寻常的,短命的杂志,以及更知名的头衔了长时间运行。主题涵盖广泛,包括农业,人类学,艺术,考古,教育,家庭生活,时尚化,产业化,文学,医学,音乐,摄影,政治,宗教,科学,体育和节制。



该Observatorwas written in the form of a dialogue between a Whig and a Tory, with a strong bias toward the Royalist point of view. L’Estrange was a fervent supporter of the Crown, and a constant thorn in the side of the supporters of Whiggery. Throughout the publication, one may see the term Trimmer (Whig) and Observator (Tory). L’Estrange played these two characters against one another in a rolling dialogue, using his wit and passion to ensure the Observator always came out on top.



母亲的书offers a fascinating review of the manners, culture, etiquette and protocols for raising virtuous children in the 19世纪。期刊像母亲的书注定不仅要培养有教养和礼貌的青春,同时也促进了更基督教社会。

Religion in America is well covered by such titles as the美国犹太历史学会的刊物,基督教家庭伴侣中,天主教审查,杂志长老史,并看看不同的思维方式,我们有轻的旗帜,a long-running spiritualist journal.


轻的旗帜礼物在报告有趣的对比。除了在书评莎士比亚:一个传记美学研究和文章标题为荒诞和强制免疫的暴政(arguing against a small-pox vaccination law), one can find a message from Philo Temple in the spirit world, courtesy of the mediumship of Mrs. L. E. Ball of Montague, Massachusetts, Jan. 191880年,在他想告诉我们,除其他事项外,“顺其自然一种安慰大家知道,在夏季,土地的青春和美丽会回来。”轻的旗帜offered more than just coverage of spiritualist happenings (and a bit of gossip), although that remained its primary focus throughout its publishing history. The paper delved into religion, women’s suffrage, current events, war, politics, temperance, westward expansion, foreign affairs, Indian affairs and much more. One might draw parallels to today’s New York Post.

早在二十世纪冠军记录了第二次工业革命,移民,妇女的权利,第一次世界大战,以及咆哮的二十年代期间,时尚和音乐。从这一时期的作品包括科学美国人,地理评论该American Magazine of ArtInland Printer

该Inland Printer, Sept. 1905, Apr. 1903 and July 1901.

可能想知道为什么一个杂志致力于艺术和science of printing would be interesting, but consider the time period. The late 19和early 20几个世纪以来都是电报和早期的电话的时代。无线电仍处于起步阶段的早期20世纪。电影胶片于1895年开始,一切都是黑白和沉默,直到爵士歌手,第一个“对讲机”,于1927年10月6日,发布这是印刷品,报纸,杂志,侧舷等的时代,该Inland Printer是圣经的印刷业。它使用鲜艳的色彩,华丽的显示艺术品和覆盖的技术进步,并在其漫长历史中的艺术世界。打印机,编辑和艺术家派出了他们的材料进行审核;反过来,美国杂志面部和视觉内容是由转化内陆打印机的建议和例子。该Inland Printer是推动美国出版的车辆之一。

金宝搏彩票盖尔的美国历史期刊,6系列有助于扩大我们的美国历史知识与新数字化期刊。收集帮助研究人员做从各种角度在美国历史上的连接。除了涵盖多种学科,有针对基于以下因素,如年龄,性别,种族,职业,政治或信仰特定的受众群体众多期刊。此外,Gale Primary Sources它们环境扩展这些连接to hundreds of millions of pages of additional primary source materials. Thanks to our partnership with the American Antiquarian Society, Gale is pleased to bring this resource to you.

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