Reader’s Advisory for Little Ones

8min read

由Rachel G. Payne




他们在做什么.......The youngest babies are often snuggled up in a parent’s arm, hunkered down in carrier, or sleeping in the stroller. They are mastering sucking and grasping which their very survival (nursing) depends on. At this age, they can see all colors, but their vision is blurry and they can’t distinguish between colors and focus on smaller objects until 3 or 4 months of age. If they are interested in something, they will stare and stare and stare. At about 3 months, babies begin to smile to the joy (and relief) of their bone-tired parents. Many pediatricians encourage babies to enjoy stints on their bellies (a.k.a. “tummy time”) to develop their core muscles. Babies are also listening to everything and learning the rhythms of speech in their native tongue.

Books for the age...具有高对比度颜色的书籍(黑色,白色和红色),鲜艳的颜色和粗体设计和最容易辨别的模式。手风琴折叠书籍,站在他们的边缘,对于肚子时间会议非常棒。鼓励父母在他们读到新生儿的时候说话。如果书籍只有几个字,详细讨论每张照片。父母甚至可以读 - 大声朗读它们的书或杂志!董事会书籍很棒,但不要忘记布书籍,甚至是一种类似的特色材料。如果婴儿抓住并想要咀嚼最喜欢的书,让父母知道这是正常的。尝试将书交换为出牙玩具并继续阅读。鼓励婴儿的感官探索与带有触觉元素的书籍。

  • I Kissed the Baby由Mary Murphy.
  • Black & Whiteby Tana Hoban (accordion fold)
  • 宝宝发出哔哔声byRebecca O’Connell,由肯威尔逊-Max说明




  • 全球婴儿/BebésdelMundo由全球儿童基金
  • Peekaboo Morningby Rachel Isadora
  • 毛丽在哪里?由露西堂兄弟

沃克斯(1-2 year olds)… As kids start to walk (usually around their first birthday), the world opens up to them again. These youngsters are always on the go and enjoy pushing and pulling toys and other objects. They can often be seen walking幼儿发展图书馆书籍around with a toy in each hand. They often make their needs know with single words and gestures. Toddlers are learning language at an exponential rate (nine new words a day), but little ones can often understand more than they can say. This can lead to frustration. They often enjoy imitating adult behaviors.

Books for the age......与他们的新发现的移动性,幼儿经常发现很难坐下来说,这很难坐下来说父母worry means their children don’t like books. Keep on reading! If they get off your lap and start to play, follow them and keep reading! Find books that have interesting gimmicks such as things to feel, flaps to open, and dials to spin. Look for books that can be sung or have fun word-play (don’t forget about Mother Goose rhymes!). To help with language learning, look for books with the 3 R’s: rhythm, rhyme, and repetition. And to help them understand their emotional world, find simple stories that will help label their feelings.

  • 夹子克隆by Nicola Smee
  • 书!由Kristine O'Connell George,由Maggie Smith说明
  • 走开,大绿怪!由Ed Emberley.


Books for the age… Twos often are obsessed with a certain topic, often a vehicle or animal. Encourage parents to check out nonfiction on topics of interest with large photos and simply talk about the pictures, dipping in and out of the text as they wish. Look for stories that help with a child’s coalescing fears and feelings. Suggest for stories with interactive refrains or animal sounds the toddlers can chime in on. Often parents will come to the library at this age ask for books to tackle specific challenges, potty training, sharing, etc, so have of these suggestions ready in your back pocket.

  • Simms Taback的野生动物园动物bysimms baback.
  • 撒尿时的时间!莫威尔姆斯
  • Owl Babies由Martin Waddell;由Patrick Benson说明

Preschoolers(3 and 4 years olds)… While this may be a wide age range, many of the important tasks of the first years have been reached. Children at this age are walking, talking, self-feeding, and using the toilet. Their vocabularies are growing at amazing rate; by age 5 many children understand 13,000 words and can use 1500-2000 words particularly if they have been spoken with and read to during their younger days. A conceptual understanding of time (past, present, and future), their moral understanding, and an expanded sense of empathy are all developing. Their physical development is also blossoming but their attention spans are growing making it easier for them to participate in group activities.

纪念品......以上所有意味着儿童更容易阅读并享受包含图的书籍。从简单的故事开始,继续前进到越来越复杂的叙述。“苗圃”故事,如“三只小猪”或“金发姑娘和三只熊”是完美的,他们的重复地块是完美的,教学年轻人的故事结构。凭借他们蓬勃发展的幽默感,学龄前儿童在书中爱愚蠢的话语,胡说八道和违反行为。父母们常常赶紧赶到他们复杂的四岁的孩子章节,并认为他们正在让孩子“未来”。仅仅因为孩子可以了解哈利波特系列中大声朗读的所有单词并不意味着它们在发展方向上准备好这些书籍的紧张和悬念。许多图画书可以以自己的方式相当复杂(检查William Steig的书),因此鼓励父母们滋生,只要他们可以一起享受彩画书。

  • 一个炎热的夏天尼娜船员的一天
  • The Piggy in the Puddle夏洛特Pomerantz,由James Marshall说明
  • 姜饼男孩由Richard Egielski.



雷切尔佩恩is coordinator of early childhood services at Brooklyn Public Library and a co-author of Reading with Babies, Toddlers, and Twos. She has reviewed for Kirkus and written for School Library Journal.



