
2min read


By Megan McCarthy

My son plays hockey, and when he was little, he held his stick wrong. No matter how many times his coach told him to put his right hand further down the stick, he would slide it back up to the top with his left. This gave him much less power and control. So, in his first year as a forward, he only scored one goal, much to the dismay of his coach and adoring parents. Then came year two, and a new coach. After one practice, coach stopped my son and said, “Give me your stick.” So my son silently handed over his stick, a little nervous that he may not get it back. The coach put a piece of tape right where he wanted my son to keep his hand. Then he drew a button in black marker on the tape. He said, “See that button? That’s the goal button. You want a goal, you press that button”. My son never slid his hand up that stick again, and he started scoring. That’s when I realized he must be a visual learner. It was clear, as soon as he saw the button, he got the concept.

学生在课堂上的学习并没有什么不同。有三个普遍认可的方式学习。视觉学习者通过阅读和观看,就像我的儿子处理。听觉学习者喜欢听和背诵,和触觉学习者通过做或触摸获取知识。CLIC(Classroom in Context) helps teachers better address the learning styles of their students.

CLIC的课程是全数字化和教育工作者不断地适应。吸取了广泛的资源,在大风的发现金宝搏彩票在上下文中databases,CLIC可定制和扩展,以满足学生的每个教室的需求和不同的学习风格。CLICand its curriculum-aligned lesson plans also support various state and national standards, including Common Core. This ensures students flourish. And giving teachers access to continuously updated content for their classrooms also makes the educational process engaging, no matter what learning style best reaches their students and their individual uniqueness. For educators, that is the ultimate goal.



Megan is a graduate of the University of Missouri, School of Journalism. She is a fan of both lasagna and pizza, but not cooking.


1 thought on “See, Hear, Touch, CLiC”

  1. 我喜欢CLIC课程的理念,提供解决方案,以自定义每个学生的风格的学习体验。使课堂更具吸引力的体验是每个人的吸引力 - 学生和教师!
