San Diego County Library Graduates Celebrate New Beginnings

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|网上职业高中(COHS)使学生有机会获得18学分高级/ SACS认可的高中毕业文凭,一个资格的职业证书,职业组合,包括简历和求职信。学生获得广泛的职业发展的支持和研究生,他们需要采取下一步行动的工具...Read more

Mother & Daughter Graduate Together

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|Esperanza Torres Carrillo was determined to graduate high school by the time her daughter Amy graduated from 5th grade in June 2019. With that goal in mind, in September 2018, she enrolled in Career Online High School (COHS) through the Los Angeles Public Library, earning her diploma just eight months later, …Read more


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|Two Richland County residents look forward to graduating from their local library’s Career Online High School program. Richland County resident Jason Scott learned the cost of leaving high school at 17 to care for his infant daughter. “Since 1988, I couldn’t get those better-paying jobs without a diploma.” Things are …Read more


为服务于非英语母语者满足俄克拉何马州的需求,图书馆的俄克拉何马部门(ODL)最近推出了公民身份和移民试点项目,使图书馆提供有关移民和公民福利的有用信息。与基于库的扫盲计划的合作,该项目促进意识​​和公民意识的理解,同时加强英语语言技能。...Read more

New Jersey State Library Offers the Opportunity to Earn a High School Diploma

Nearly one in eight adults 25 and older in New Jersey does not have a high school diploma. Career Online High School, a new program sponsored by the New Jersey State Library, aims to change that. Using grants from the state and the Clinton Global Initiative, six libraries—Camden, Elizabeth, Long Branch, Scotch Plains, Somerset County, …Read more

Inspiring Video about Cincinnati Public Library’s “Making Dreams Come True” Program

辛辛那提公共图书馆推出了“让梦想成真”节目。内置的在线职业高中的平台上,这种创新方案使成人学习者在俄亥俄州的哈密尔顿县(21岁以上),实现自己的高中毕业证书和更有价值的工作生活的梦想。该方案需要18个月左右。该...Read more