Trends in Reference

|最初由图书馆杂志发表,由贾森·斯蒂格尔书面|“许多顾客希望数据库可被搜索到像谷歌,他们希望能够进入一个基本的用语,并有出色的和立竿见影的效果。” - 罗布·坦奇,在Old Dominion大学资源实现的头,诺福克,弗吉尼亚出版商和图书馆员敏锐地意识到,...Read more

How Gale Builds Databases

|Originally published by Library Journal, written by Jennifer A. Dixon | Online databases have transformed the ways researchers use materials, in particular primary sources. Publishers’ approaches to gathering and organizing online collections are diverse, but all require forming relationships with libraries and archives and considering how researchers use their platforms. Recently, Library Journal spoke …Read more

Get Your Primary Sources!

|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|医学图书馆的纽约科学院是家在世界医学和公共卫生领域最显著历史的图书馆之一,维护医学遗产的通知健康的未来。他们的目标:提供顾客以获得“封闭”在材料方面,他们太...Read more


|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|American Reference Books Annual (ARBA), Booklist, and Library Journal are the most comprehensive, authoritative databases for quality reviews of print and electronic reference works. Launched in response to popular demand from library professionals, ARBA has been a trusted resource for more than 30 years and Library Journal was created 140 …Read more

档案of Sexuality & Gender: “An Excellent Addition”

学生,教育工作者和研究人员现在可以用一个巨大的资源,它们连接到这段历史,并让他们深入研究,并与数字一手资料,以支持这些和许多其他相关领域提供了最大程序的新连接搞研究。随着社会,政治,卫生约150万页的主要来源的内容,以及法律问题,档案of Sexuality & Genderis your one-stop source for all topics impacting LGBTQ communities around the world. Covering subjects such as the gay rights movement, activism, the HIV/Aids crisis, and more, the档案of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I是一个“极好的补充用于学术和公共图书馆。”金宝搏彩票

看看克里斯蒂娜轩尼诗,编目馆员Loyola Marymount大学,他认为这一里程碑数字节目的:

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档案of Sexuality & Gender:A“推荐”资源

支持学术研究人员,学生,以及与LGBTQ历史和文化与教育工作者档案of Sexuality & Gender同样,LGBTQ社区,盟国和家庭也能获得约为150万页的主要来源,内容,此资源的深刻理解。涉及社会,政治,卫生,法律等问题影响世界各地的社区LGBTQ,档案of Sexuality & Genderis a “recommended” resource for all researchers.

Curious? Read a review from Cheryl LaGuardia, a Research Librarian:

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Icons That Have Shaped LGBT History

Recently, individuals across the globe have been flooded with LGBTQ issues, bringing light to matters surrounding an essential topic, once considered taboo. As concerns of gender and sexuality grow, many have begun uncovering the decades of social reforms that impacted communities and shaped the future of LGBTQ activism. These movements continue to raise public awareness, spiking a demand for LGBTQ information.

Read moreIcons That Have Shaped LGBT History

Marching Towards Equality

During LGBTQ history month, we celebrate this community and the wide impact its members have had on society, culture, and the larger world. One key event in LGBTQ history in the United States is the October 14, 1979, march on Washington, which essentially launched the national gay and lesbian rights movement. To celebrate the anniversary of this milestone event, Gale is highlighting key primary sources that provide deeper knowledge about the march taken from Gale’s new档案of Sexuality & Gender。这一重要的,丰富的资源提供了关于性别和性罕见和独特的主要来源信息。它有助于学者和学生获得无与伦比的洞察和理解有关社会的各个方面,包括LBGTQ历史,运动,以及相关的社会,政治,卫生,法律问题和主题。

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Access Groundbreaking LGBTQ Resources Using Innovative Tools

由于公众意识和学术兴趣扩大到包括LGBTQ问题,金宝搏彩票图书馆和研究人员正在寻找一个令人震惊的缺乏可用来支持他们的研究资源。金宝搏彩票大风最新消息档案of Sexuality& 性别, the largest collection of resources available to support the study of gender and sexuality, was introduced earlier this year to address a dearth of information on sexuality. This rich archive helps scholars and others make new connections in LGBTQ history and activism, cultural studies, psychology, health, political science, policy studies, and other related areas of research.

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