
| By Traci Cothran | I just LOVE Banned Books Week. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t like that we need a Banned Books Week, it’s just that I love thinking about all the books I’ve read that are on various banned lists, as so many of them are near and dear to me. Then …阅读更多


| By Jason Everett | Book banning, one of the oldest and commonly performed practices of censorship, has gone on for centuries. Governments, religious authorities, and other groups have banned books and other works of literature they deem to be offensive for one reason or another. These groups often initiate large-scale book bans. With the …阅读更多


By Traci Cothran

读书是,一切都要在大风和什么在这里做金宝搏彩票BBWyou do at your library every day—so it’s a good bet the majority of us use Banned Books Week to rally around the works that cause a little controversy. This year’s禁书周focuses on celebrating Diversity, and runs September 25 – October 1.

我是中档和年轻成人小说的忠实读者,所以它驱使我当父母禁止惊人的小说,为青年说话有点古怪。一些作者甚至从学校出现谈论他们的书,今天影响孩子的问题DIS-邀请。举例来说,图形新颖戏剧,由雷纳·特尔格梅耶尔,目前已造成牢骚两个同性恋角色接吻,但我还没有遇到一个初中女孩谁不喜欢这个系列。作者梅格·梅迪纳面临审查与她有关高中欺负小说,雅基·德尔加多想踢你屁股,因为标题有脏话在这,你知道这样的语言是决不说在学校的走廊!凯特·梅斯纳尔失望了,邀请了来自一所学校来说订婚,而在巡演她的书,The Seventh Wish,because the main character’s sister struggles with a heroin addiction, affecting the whole family. But there’s no reason to talk about the real-life heroin epidemic affecting kids in high schools and middle schools across the U.S., is there?





禁书周庆祝s the freedom to read. It began in 1982, when there was a sudden uptick in the number of books being challenged in schools and libraries. An astounding number of challenges happen each year (307 reported in 2013, according to the Office of Intellectual Freedom!), and禁书周是庆祝的公开获取信息(1)的值的方法。它指出,这些挑战307,少数人实际上是被禁止是非常重要的。教师,图书管理员和知情市民的勤奋保证了自由,在大多数情况下阅读。
